please help, questions


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okay i've been on finasteride for 3 months and for like 2 weeks have had a strong and fast heart beat for no reason, i now realize that is probably the finasteride that's doing it, now my question is, if i lower my dosage will that help? and can i switch to topical spironolactone or revivogen or whatever, i still half almost all my hair so i don't know if something topical would be easy but it's the only alternative because i can't have sides that affect my heart F*ck that PLEASE HELP


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First of all, you are having heart related problems and come on a message board asking for advice? Any problems to do with your heart, you should go speak with your doctor first and foremost. Nobody here knows your medical history, and you don't want to take any chances.

Secondly, heart problems are not a known side effect of using Finasteride. That being said, there are some studies out there that indicate it MIGHT cause heart irregularities. This would probably be in extremely rare cases if at all, and it's probably safe to say that finasteride isn't causing your problems. I would say, judging from your description, that you are experiencing anxiety. Are you? If so, this would be a scapegoat for your problems. Especially if you focus on your heart beat, you feel it more strongly and the building anxiety through worry can make it even worse.

My brother is currently going through the same thing, but he has never touched propecia. He notices his heart beating fast, feels his pulse, sits there and focuses on it, worrying more and more. His heart beats faster and harder, and he's even gone to the emergency room a few times because of it. Doctors say he's just having a panic attack. You didn't mention anxiety so I’m not sure if this is what's happening in your case, but it very well may be.

Good luck. Again: SEE A DOCTOR! :)


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well i already saw a doctor and im going to see a cardiologist and get an ekg done...and i came on a message board to see if anybody else has experienced this (duh)...and it's not anxiety i don't feel anxious at all, and don't have any stress or anything to be anxiouis about...and i'm 99% sure it IS the propecia because i've found alot of people on the internet saying they experienced the same thing and it went away a week after stopping finasteride


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You've clearly been reading other peoples tales of problems caused by Propecia, which is likely causing some amount of worry about your heart problems. Even though you don't feel anxious per say, it's clearly bothering you and it's possible this is perpetuating things.

An example of this is I just sat here, thinking about my heart beat and focusing on it. I noticed after 30 seconds my heart felt like it was beating much harder and faster. Just focusing on my heartbet made me change my perception. Is your heart beating faster all the time? Or only when you think about it? Are you sure you can acurately guage how 'hard' it is beating?

I'm not saying it's "just in your head" but your mind has a tricky way of mixing things up sometimes.

Also, FYI, a sarcastic response to the only reply in your thread won't get you anywhere ("duh"). I'm genuinely trying to help you out and give you level headed advice, but if you can't appreciate that, please don't be an *** about it.


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I was experiencing this for almost 2 weeks before realizing it was probably the finasteride, reading about others in this situation didn't and isnt perpetuating my condition at all, theres a thread on here somewhere about this that you should read


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Are you using minoxidil at all? That's a more common side of minoxidil, but I don't know that I've heard of finasteride doing it.


when you take minoxidil
than ist this your Problem

i had Heart Probelms as i take Dutasterid!
finasteride?????? maybe
i have a high Bloodpressure



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metadalll said:
well i already saw a doctor and im going to see a cardiologist and get an ekg done...and i came on a message board to see if anybody else has experienced this (duh)...and it's not anxiety i don't feel anxious at all, and don't have any stress or anything to be anxiouis

this side is uncommon

if all the differential dyagnosis (anxiety, congenital heart problem, ecc) are without result, than could be a rare reaction of finasteride

please report it to FDA if comes out that is finasteride generated



have You side effects from minoxidil?
Waterface? swelling? Eye burning and red?

i think more and more all side effects comes from finasteride!



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im not using minoxidil and i never have so it's not that...and let me respecify, the only problem i'm having is a constant racing/pounding heart, no anxiety or palpitations or anything


i have a high Bloodpressure from finasteride
so high that my ears rings



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Timi, how do you know finasteride caused high blood pressure? Weren't you on it for over 10 years? You are also in your 40's, correct? Its easy to blame finasteride for everything, but its much more likely your blood pressure problems are from other factors in your life. If you haven't already, see a doctor about how to manage your BP. If you just blame finasteride for it and don't manage it effectively, you could find yourself in a very bad situation.


Oh No it is finasteride

i have my Bloodpressure testet

bevor finasteride 140/75
after finasteride 2Hour's later 189/120

an heavy burning my Prostata!

i think my Body tolerate finasteride not more



Or is it a Allergic Reaktion from my Bloodpressure Drug

i am Allergic from minoxidil! Alleric from my Bloodpressure Drug??
all burns it's the Hell

i have 14Years no Problem with finasteride



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i got my EKG results today and they say my heartbeat is irregular, im getting an appointment w/ a cardiologist to see what he thinks but he probly won't know jack sh*t about finasteride


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People have irregular heartbeats all of a sudden that have never touched finasteride. I could just be something like that.

finasteride is not the all powerful "OH MY sh*t! YOU'RE GONNA HAVE HORRIBLE PROBLEMS NOW!" drug that some people on here seem to think it is.


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Rawtashk said:
People have irregular heartbeats all of a sudden that have never touched finasteride. I could just be something like that.

finasteride is not the all powerful "OH MY sh*t! YOU'RE GONNA HAVE HORRIBLE PROBLEMS NOW!" drug that some people on here seem to think it is.

well that may be, but what else would be causing it all of a sudden? something random in my body, or a drug that other people have reported the same side affect with and it stopped for them after they quit