Please people who have dealt with telogen effluvium or androgenetic hair loss respond


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Does this look like Telogen effluvium or female loss to you? I washed my hair after 5 days of not washing it and I had it in a ponytail for 4 days so a lot of that hair is hair that was gonna come out anyway but I’m still concerned



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Does this look like Telogen effluvium or female loss to you? I washed my hair after 5 days of not washing it and I had it in a ponytail for 4 days so a lot of that hair is hair that was gonna come out anyway but I’m still concerned

If this isn’t a normal amount of shedding for you it could be something like a vitamin deficiency. 5 days of not washing hair and especially with that much hair I wouldn’t be surprised if the shedding is normal tbh. Get a blood test or go to a dermatologist if possible if you’re still nervous about it.

If you’re tracking female pattern loss due to genetics you can check the part on top of your head. If it’s getting wider over the year it might be that.


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The part on top of my head looks the same as it always has, yeah part of me thinks I might just be freaking out


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The part on top of my head looks the same as it always has, yeah part of me thinks I might just be freaking out
Yeah I wouldn’t worry, your hair looks good to me. But you know your hair the best, so if you notice something off then go to a dermatologist

Androgenic Alpaca

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I don't have any real knowledge about female hair loss, but I give this advice to everyone: do not try to judge hair loss by shedding alone. Healthy people without any type of hairloss can shed over 100 hairs every day. Also, hair shedding can naturally vary over time for different reasons since shedding is just a natural part of the growth cycle. Unless you collect and count every single hair that falls off your head every single day and keep a detailed log over the course of many years, you won't be able to get an accurate idea of hair loss just from shedding

The best way to judge if you have hairloss is to take regular photographs of your hair and to compare these photos across months or years to see if density has changed at all

Will Be an Egg in 5 years

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Woman tend to shed a lot as far as I know, but this last pic is indeed linda worrying. Your hair parting looks like mine and I'm a diffuse thinner. Probabbly yours is just Telogen Effluvium, but keep wathcing it and see a derm If It geta worse.


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Check the rubber washers in your shower head!! My shower head had these black small washers that were degraded and giving off this black ink that was going in the water and all over me when I showered. Since I replaced my shower head and got rid of those washers my hair is growing back again. I would have never known if my shower head didn't break. I thought it was aging because I am 51 but it wasn't. Hope this helps!


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Rem, your photos from above could be me! Same exact look. I'm on all the supplements (good but only slight effects).I've been using Saw Palmetto orally and in an oil massaging it into my scalp. It helps. But I'm post-menopausal so I could use a lot more results!
Going to try this experimentally, as the scientists who studied it found it prolongs human hair growth cycle...
Best wishes in your journey!