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Thanks for clicking on my post since this is my first one ever. To start things off I'm 19 years old and I first noticed my hair becoming different when I was a senior in high school. I have a auto inflammatory disease called Ulcerative Colitis and for those who don't know what that is it's like Chrons. Anyways, last year i got tired of worrying about it and I saw a dermatologist and she told me to start rogaine (even tho she barley looked at me). But I had a severe shed when I started and it changed my hair texture I think and possibly made my hair loss worse. I believe I may have chronic telogen effluvium because 6 months ago my hair was looking good and around september a huge shed started. It was right around when I started college again and some stressful events happened and now my hair is looking worse then ever and I'm really depressed. I buzzed my hair with no guard so I was pretty much bald because I couldn't even look at my self any more and now it looks like I have the thinnest scalp hair. I also have a weird thin shinny patch on the middle of my scalp. I also stopped laser hair treatments a little before i noticed the shedding again and so far my hair hasn't gotten any better. Please respond if you've heard of anything like this or think i have telogen effluvium or are am just have male pattern baldness. Ill attach a picture from like 7 months ago from where my hair looked decent and where it is now. The picture where my hair looks darker is when i wasnt shedding.


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Hey, i can relate to your story.

I've been shedding massively for the past 2 months for no reason. I've been taking vitamines and stuff, but nothing works.
I've started finasteride 1 month ago, no results yet. I'm thinking of starting Minoxidil too.

You are still early since you started losing your hair. I'm sure follicles are still there, you should try restarting Minoxidil and perhaps finasteride. I can't make it any worse...

Stay strong and keep positive


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Thanks for the response man i appreciate it and I've actually stuck with minoxidil for over a year now just hoping my hair comes back :/


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This is kinda putting me off of getting on to minoxidil. I know how ****ed up it feels knowing that your young and your hair is suddenly thinning. It started for me halfway through my first year of university. I had the crappest summer break because I was just so depressed about it. I've been on propecia for 5 months now and I'm still wondering if it will get any better. I see some small hairs growing but they look so thin and the rest of my hair just keeps falling out.

- - - Updated - - -

How many hairs have you been losing a day?


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im not sure anymore when it got bad i just buzzed it all off with no guard and now its slowly growing back looking worse than before