Please respond with Propecia shedding & regrowth storis


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OK story so far is im on 0.25 to 0.33 mg Propecia pretty much daily the last 2 months. My hair is pretty thin to begin with but with growth i can get a bit of coverage as its swept forward. The horseshoe is there though & waiting !!After a month i thought it was getting thinner & after i got it cut 2 weeks ago i saw it has definitly kept going especially at the front where gaps are almost everywhere. I use Rogaine 5% twice daily for the last 15 years & Nizoral every 4 days. I imagine or think im going through the dreaded shed phase of Propecia? If so i look forward to it growing back because where i was 2 months ago seems like heaven compared to right now.
Anyway ive trawled the Shedding forum here & each story seems to take a similar line wherby the shedder makes a query post freaking out & is told to relax that its a sign that the finasteride is working & a few others chip in. Then the thread ends with not one person coming back a few months later saying if they got over it or not. So can I get back to where i was 2 months ago & get this shedded Propecia hair back? How did YOU fare out if this happened to you. Please respond & lets make this a reasonable shed or shed success thread that can make many calm down. God knows i need it. I would be very interested in guys who started finasteride with pretty thin hair anyway, shed like crazy almost to the point of baldness & then hurrah it came back with continued use of the treatments. Also surely a shed should stop after 3 to 4 months?
Thanks in advance folks & please respond!!!