Hello there. I’m a 19 y/o male suffering with extremely aggressive hair loss
Currently on dutasteride 0.5mg it’s not doing much for me. I’ll do anything to maintain my NW2 I have now.
I know dutasteride 0.5 inhibits around 54% SCALP DHT. And a 2.5 dose inhibits up to 74%.
Is there any dose I can take to COMPLETELY inhibit scalp DHT or any combination of drugs maybe RU. I feel this is the only way to keep my hair.
Thank you. This is my first post!
Currently on dutasteride 0.5mg it’s not doing much for me. I’ll do anything to maintain my NW2 I have now.
I know dutasteride 0.5 inhibits around 54% SCALP DHT. And a 2.5 dose inhibits up to 74%.
Is there any dose I can take to COMPLETELY inhibit scalp DHT or any combination of drugs maybe RU. I feel this is the only way to keep my hair.
Thank you. This is my first post!