please tell me your experiences with minoxidil

dr spock

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I am new to this hairloss stuff. 20 year old guy, noticed i'm thinning a little on top. I want to do something to stop it before it gets worse. (male pattern baldness is in the genes). Did a bunch of research for the past few weeks, and I've decided against finasteride for now, but looking more towards a minoxidil regimine to start since it seems like good first step to take. As I understand, it needs to be applied once in the AM, once in the PM.

I heard that it leaves a white powder after it dries. How much powder are we talkin about here? a spec here or there, or white christmas? Is it really bad looking? How long does it take to dry, and how long does it take to get the powder out of your hair? Is it possible to wake up, apply it, wait for it to dry, and get rid of the white stuff all before I arrive to work?

I am concerned about not being able to style my hair, or even wear it unstyled without being noticed that this stuff is on my scalp. How do you even apply it? (I couldn't find this information anywhere)

I heard dr. lee's formula is a bit less greasy. What brand minoxidil do you guys use? Can you guys give tips and daily routines that you use? When to shower, etc. I want the minoxidil to be as undetectable in my scalp as possible. It's not like everyone needs to know that i'm using it.

Sorry for all the questions

Thanks a bunch :)


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I am new to this hairloss stuff. 20 year old guy, noticed i'm thinning a little on top. I want to do something to stop it before it gets worse. (male pattern baldness is in the genes). Did a bunch of research for the past few weeks, and I've decided against finasteride for now, but looking more towards a minoxidil regimine to start since it seems like good first step to take. As I understand, it needs to be applied once in the AM, once in the PM.

I heard that it leaves a white powder after it dries. How much powder are we talkin about here? a spec here or there, or white christmas? Is it really bad looking? How long does it take to dry, and how long does it take to get the powder out of your hair? Is it possible to wake up, apply it, wait for it to dry, and get rid of the white stuff all before I arrive to work?
For me, it isn't powder so much as flakes. I'm pretty certain that the minoxidil is giving me dandruff. I use Nizoral, T/Gel, and T/Sal shampoo, as well as Tricomin to combat this. It's not bad at all, unless I scratch my head, and then all hell breaks loose. I may be an extreme case. Anway, I make it a point not to scratch too much while I'm at work so that there are no flakes.

It takes about 20 min to dry, I guess? I apply it, wait 20 minutes (shave, floss, walk the dog, etc), and then I brush my hair again so that it isn't all clumped together. It looks perfectly fine then (all things considered)

I am concerned about not being able to style my hair, or even wear it unstyled without being noticed that this stuff is on my scalp. How do you even apply it? (I couldn't find this information anywhere)
There are 3 different kind of "applicators" that I've seen:
1) Dropper (my fav)
2) Spray (gets in the hair too much)
3) "Dauber" (it's this little rubber thing that you press against your scalp, and drips minoxidil in response to pressure.)
I typically massage my head after this to "ensure" even distribution, but I'm not sure how good a job I do.

I heard dr. lee's formula is a bit less greasy. What brand minoxidil do you guys use? Can you guys give tips and daily routines that you use? When to shower, etc. I want the minoxidil to be as undetectable in my scalp as possible. It's not like everyone needs to know that i'm using it.

Never used Dr. Lee's formula, but I may if this itching continues.
I use Rogaine 5%. I'm almost 100% sure people don't know I'm using it.
Good luck!


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ive been on three weeks now...dr.lee's in morning..walgreens stuff at hair actually looks even better after applying it in the morning, makes it look thick (like gel) white powder..nothing

also using nizoral twice a week

so far, no trouble at all applying..still waiting for results thought...i waited 2 years and read and read..and read..i say go for it..

im even thinking about finasteride now.


The Gardener

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dr spock said:
I am new to this hairloss stuff. 20 year old guy, noticed i'm thinning a little on top. I want to do something to stop it before it gets worse. (male pattern baldness is in the genes). Did a bunch of research for the past few weeks, and I've decided against finasteride for now, but looking more towards a minoxidil regimine to start since it seems like good first step to take. As I understand, it needs to be applied once in the AM, once in the PM.

I heard that it leaves a white powder after it dries. How much powder are we talkin about here? a spec here or there, or white christmas? Is it really bad looking? How long does it take to dry, and how long does it take to get the powder out of your hair? Is it possible to wake up, apply it, wait for it to dry, and get rid of the white stuff all before I arrive to work?

What color is your hair? Minoxidil does leave a white powder in the hair after it dries, and it is most easily seen on folks who have dark hair. The way to combat this is to, when applying, NOT get it into your hair.

dr spock said:
I am concerned about not being able to style my hair, or even wear it unstyled without being noticed that this stuff is on my scalp. How do you even apply it? (I couldn't find this information anywhere)

You can style your hair as you used to do, no problems.

dr spock said:
I heard dr. lee's formula is a bit less greasy. What brand minoxidil do you guys use? Can you guys give tips and daily routines that you use? When to shower, etc. I want the minoxidil to be as undetectable in my scalp as possible. It's not like everyone needs to know that i'm using it.

I do two minoxidil applications a day. In the am, I shower and then apply Dr Lee's because it dries quickly. Now, this runs counter to the application instructions, but I actually style my hair FIRST, and then give it a very light dusting of hair spray. Then, after the hairspray dries, right before leaving the house I take the Dr Lee's dropper, fill it up, and wipe the sides dry so that it doesn't leave residue in the hair. I then carefully take the dropper and poke through the styled hair, and release a drop onto the scalp of the affected area. I continue dotting the affected area until I have applied the full 1ml.

In the evenings, I use normal Rogaine because I am not worried about having to style my hair and don't care if there is a little greasy residue on the scalp.

dr spock

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My hair is brown. What color do you guys have?

Does dr. lee's come with a dropper?

Can I use dr lee's in the PM sometimes, and generic minoxidil in the PM sometimes (depending if I have a special engagement, or I am just staying in for the night?) It shouldn't matter since minoxidil is the key ingredient in both.


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Dr. Lee's (or any formulation containing less than 30% Propene Glycol) is your best bet.

You can use any combination of Minoxidil products that you want. As much as people try to draw a distinction between the two, there is no difference in performance. Once you get a taste of the faster drying, less greasy minoxidil, you'll never return to the Upjohn formula.

I would also suggest topical spironolactone. You need to inhibit DHT.


How can you be for minoxidil but against finasteride? finasteride will help stop the hairloss, minoxidil will give you hair that you will never be really happy with.

If you really want this to work but don´t want to use finasteride then look at what is using and go that route.

To do so look under "you story" and klick on



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I have used Rogaine and now generic minoxidil and they both result in horrible white flaking and a bad residue on my scalp--I tried every shampoo but they only thing that really helped me beat these obvious negative consequences was/is Folligen

The Gardener

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click.. Note to self - If I ever see Nesta or AD at a party, make SURE to remember to keep my hors d'oveurs covered so I don't get dandruff flakes on them. ... click.


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Dammit, I wasn't even invited to the party... :cry:

dr spock

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nesta said:
How can you be for minoxidil but against finasteride? finasteride will help stop the hairloss, minoxidil will give you hair that you will never be really happy with.

If you really want this to work but don´t want to use finasteride then look at what is using and go that route.

To do so look under "you story" and klick on


This is why i'm hesitant: ... highlight=

That's not the only person I've heard of having side effects after discontinuing the medication.

Thanks, I looked at's story. Can u possibly explain why his regimine is important. He's not even taking minoxidil it doesnt look like.

dr spock

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Axon said:
Dr. Lee's (or any formulation containing less than 30% Propene Glycol) is your best bet.

You can use any combination of Minoxidil products that you want. As much as people try to draw a distinction between the two, there is no difference in performance. Once you get a taste of the faster drying, less greasy minoxidil, you'll never return to the Upjohn formula.

I would also suggest topical spironolactone. You need to inhibit DHT.

This is interesting. What is topical spironolactone. I noticed in your regimine that you don't take it, but you take finasteride. Is spironolactone instead of finasteride? I've never heard of this spironolactone stuff. Can you give more info?