Podcast with hair researcher Ralf Paus - talks about mice being a lousy model for Androgenetic Alopecia, model validity, topical thyroid hormones...


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One thing he says that I thought was particularly interesting is that it is very difficult to obtain human hair follicles to use as models and that this is the main thing that governs the rate of progress in Androgenetic Alopecia research. That if you could make follicles more easily obtainable, speed of research would increase exponentially.

This seems to be a study that was performed after the one they are talking about in the podcast.

This HairDAO thing seems to be really cool. As best I can tell, it's a group of guys, well read on the Androgenetic Alopecia literature, who've gotten together on Discord and are funding research. If you look at the bottom of that study, they've even filed for some patents.

I wonder if this is something that hair cloning could solve or would that just be too expensive?
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