Polish goverment basically wiped out in plane crash


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http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/ap ... lled-crash

The plane hit some trees apparently due to foggy weather....

Partial list of those who were on the plane.

Lech Kaczy?ski, the President of Poland
Maria Kaczy?ska, the first lady
Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last President of the Polish government-in-exile
Jerzy Szmajdzi?ski, Deputy Speaker of the Sejm
W?adys?aw Stasiak, Chief of the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
Aleksander Szczyg?o, head of the National Security Bureau
Pawe? Wypych, Secretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
Mariusz Handzlik, Undersecretary of State in the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland
Andrzej Kremer, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
General Franciszek G?gor, Chief of the Polish Army General Staff
Andrzej Przewo?nik, Secretary-General of Rada Ochrony Pami?ci Walk i M?cze?stwa
Grzegorz Dolniak, member of the Sejm
Przemys?aw Gosiewski, member of the Sejm
Zbigniew Wassermann, member of the Sejm
Janusz Kochanowski, Polish Ombudsman
S?awomir Skrzypek, President of the National Bank of Poland
Janusz Kurtyka, Historian and president of the Institute of National Remembrance
Bishop Tadeusz P?oski, Polish Military Bishop (2004)
Izabela Jaruga-Nowacka

The Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces
The Commander of the Polish Air Force
The Commander of the Polish Ground Forces
The Commander of the Polish Special Forces
The Commander of the Polish Navy
The Commander of the Capital of Warsaw Army

Did Russia have anything to do with it?....


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The Polish government must be absolutely broke or exceptionally stupid to put all of those higher ups on the same plane.


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The mind boggles sometimes.

somone uk

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couldn't poland decend into anarchy now?
i mean it looks like otherwise there is gonna be a ton of voting to do now

The Gardener

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aussieavodart said:

The Polish government must be absolutely broke or exceptionally stupid to put all of those higher ups on the same plane.
My thought exactly. Heck, if I travel for a business meeting, I can't travel with more than two other coworkers in my equivalent job grade and function.

I'm guessing that pressure was put on the pilots to attempt an unsafe landing, so as not to spoil the occasion.

I'm sure the pilots were top notch professionals, the Tu-145 is a very rugged and reliable airframe, and being a VIP aircraft was probably equipped with very good avionics... there had to be some other force at play here to have created this tragedy.

Nevertheless, my condolences to Poland. The lost leader was a good friend to America, and this is a sad event.

somone uk

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The Gardener said:
aussieavodart said:

The Polish government must be absolutely broke or exceptionally stupid to put all of those higher ups on the same plane.
My thought exactly. Heck, if I travel for a business meeting, I can't travel with more than two other coworkers in my equivalent job grade and function.

I'm guessing that pressure was put on the pilots to attempt an unsafe landing, so as not to spoil the occasion.

I'm sure the pilots were top notch professionals, the Tu-145 is a very rugged and reliable airframe, and being a VIP aircraft was probably equipped with very good avionics... there had to be some other force at play here to have created this tragedy.

It's not like aviation is a particularity risky form of transport, statistically they were more likely to die walking to where they are going than flying.
i can only call it an accident, it's not like they polish government put all their eggs in 1 basket, planes fail very rarely


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The Gardener said:
I'm sure the pilots were top notch professionals, the Tu-145 is a very rugged and reliable airframe...

Huh?? They said on the NBC NIghtly News tonight that that model of aircraft has had a TERRIBLE safety record for years!


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A few reporters and witnesses say there was no fog when the accident happened, also found this pic.


Apparently shows a strange light coming from one of the engines before the crash. I'm not a aviation expert or engineer so i can't comment on what that light is, could be normal for all i know.

I don't know what to make of it, just find it interesting all the bits of information that are starting to come out.


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Axl_Rose said:
A few reporters and witnesses say there was no fog when the accident happened, also found this pic.


Apparently shows a strange light coming from one of the engines before the crash. I'm not a aviation expert or engineer so i can't comment on what that light is, could be normal for all i know.

I don't know what to make of it, just find it interesting all the bits of information that are starting to come out.

where'd you get that pic?


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Cassin said:
where'd you get that pic?

A GN'R forum i frequently visit, there was a topic created in the off topic section about the incident and someone posted this pic along with some comments, however the topic has since been closed since some comments were getting out of hand, i didn't see the problem with it as it is in the off topic section, think the mod took it to seriously or something and i don't know where it was originally from, sorry.

Now that i think about it since i haven't seen the original source i can't be sure if that's the actual plane or not and not just some random one they're talking about.

Wish i understood what the caption was saying.

The Gardener

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Bryan said:
The Gardener said:
I'm sure the pilots were top notch professionals, the Tu-145 is a very rugged and reliable airframe...
Huh?? They said on the NBC NIghtly News tonight that that model of aircraft has had a TERRIBLE safety record for years!
It's not fair for them to make that comment.

There have been many accidents involving Tu154s, that IS true, but the context needs to be considered. After you filter out Tu154 incidents caused by terrorism, poor maintenance in third world airlines, severe weather conditions, and poor airport infrastructure in the third world nations in which most Tu154s were forced to operate from, the number of incidents attributed to technical or structural failure of the aircraft is actually quite good.

The Tu154 has a reputation for having a very rugged airframe. And, from what I have heard of this particular Polish VIP craft, it was refitted with Western avionics... so, the aircraft had the "best of both worlds", so to speak.


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somone uk said:
It's not like aviation is a particularity risky form of transport, statistically they were more likely to die walking to where they are going than flying.
i can only call it an accident, it's not like they polish government put all their eggs in 1 basket, planes fail very rarely




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