POLL on impact of hair loss: Looks

How do you feel about your looks after your hairloss?

  • I feel better than when i had hair. My hair looked bad.

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I don't like it but I still think I look good and others think so as well but I think what matters the most to me as how I feel. I simply just try to look at it as another flaw such as a big nose, flat feet, shorter than usual, frizzy hair, etc. I may not like it but it's there and I need to get used to it.


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I'd love to have my hair back, but I've accepted that those days are gone (unless I opt for a hair piece later down the road). I think I pull it off to a certain extent, but that might change when I move to Asia next month. I've been reading that bald men can have a rough time of it over there.


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toocoolforhair said:
I'd love to have my hair back, but I've accepted that those days are gone (unless I opt for a hair piece later down the road). I think I pull it off to a certain extent, but that might change when I move to Asia next month. I've been reading that bald men can have a rough time of it over there.

hmm i live in the middle east which is in asia. Hairloss is pretty common here.

Alot of popular people here (actually here we're all kind of popular in the university im in- i mean we are all social and friendly) we all kid about this and talk about it seriously sometimes so many of us are losing our hair. Maybe its because we're all premed students (actually med students starting soon).

I still remember 3 years ago when bio guy we used to refer to him as baldy coz strangely enough he was balding badly at 18 (but he was a cool guy and has a gf because of that btw.) Now he refers to us as baldies :D
Around 40% of us are losing our hair here lol :D

uncomfortable man

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Obsidian said:
I don't like it but I still think I look good and others think so as well but I think what matters the most to me as how I feel. I simply just try to look at it as another flaw such as a big nose, flat feet, shorter than usual, frizzy hair, etc. I may not like it but it's there and I need to get used to it.

I wish it was that simple for everyone. I've stopped letting it completely keep me from doing things in life but at the same time, I have also accepted the fact that I will never be free or happy again. That would only come where I have hair (not even a full head of hair which would be great but I would be ecstatic with a good looking NW3) and I don't have to think about it all the time. I don't have to look around at my peers and see 99 percent of them with full or some level of hair.


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Since a Norwood 3/4 is a starting point for a lot of hair transplant patients...I don't see why you can't invest money in getting a hair transplant to reach that level. It shouldn't be outrageously expensive considering, like I said...your desired end point (Norwood 3 or 4) is the starting point for most people. If you really think you'd be so much damn happier as a badly balding guy instead of a bald guy...then why not make it a top priority to get a decent hair transplant and become a Norwood 3 or even a Norwood 4 again?


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qball01 said:
Since a Norwood 3/4 is a starting point for a lot of hair transplant patients...I don't see why you can't invest money in getting a hair transplant to reach that level. It shouldn't be outrageously expensive considering, like I said...your desired end point (Norwood 3 or 4) is the starting point for most people. If you really think you'd be so much damn happier as a badly balding guy instead of a bald guy...then why not make it a top priority to get a decent hair transplant and become a Norwood 3 or even a Norwood 4 again?

Thats an excellent point. UC man talks about how Norwood 3 isn't bald and it's nothing compared to norwood 6. Well I would say Hasson and Wong could easily get you back to a Norwood 3V with pretty good density.


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Nene said:
Thats an excellent point. UC man talks about how Norwood 3 isn't bald and it's nothing compared to norwood 6. Well I would say Hasson and Wong could easily get you back to a Norwood 3V with pretty good density.

If you guys will pay for it and guarantee it'll be a successful surgery, then I'd be all for it.

But since you can't, and it will be supremely expensive, not so easy is now?

The ONLY thing worse than being bald is being bald with scars all over your head too. Ideally if I could I would have FUE's done all over so that if it's not good enough, I could keep my head shaved (to a ZERO) and not have scars all over.


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my point is...it won't be "supremely" expensive if all you want is to be somewhere in between a Norwood 3 and 4. It will be expensive, yes...but not the point where you shouldn't be able to afford it considering that its honestly the most important thing in your life. If its honestly ruined your life to the point where you think it has...then it shouldn't even be an argument. You should be doing everything in your power to change it. 5-10 grand should be able to get you to a Norwood 4...maybe even a 3. I understand we're not all fortunate enough to have a lot of money but don't try and convince me that you couldn't put that much money towards something EXTREMELY important.

The truth is...you'll find an obvious excuse not to do it because you don't actually want to change....like many negative people you're used to and comfortable with being "the ugly bald loser who gets persecuted by others." Its your niche...its what you've known for the last decade or so and its what you're used to. Miserable people like staying that way unfortunately...well they don't "like it" but its what they're comfortable with. And human beings value comfort and familiarity above all else. So you'll sit there and make a bunch of excuses instead of actually doing something about it.


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Wrong again. I have looked into it and have gone to a couple of them. 5-10 grand hahahahaha. Yeah ok there buddy. The prices are something where I might as well be going to med school for the money they want.

As I stated in the other post, if you don't like my posts, then don't respond to them. But if your whole life is dependent on my views, feel free to continue.


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I'm starting to look like sh*t. And my hair loss isn't even bad yet. But any respectable hairstyle is nearly impossible to pull off without looking wispy, and the rest just make me look 10 years older and less attractive.


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HatPrisoner91 said:
Wrong again. I have looked into it and have gone to a couple of them. 5-10 grand hahahahaha. Yeah ok there buddy. The prices are something where I might as well be going to med school for the money they want.
But really, you only need a little effort from an hair transplant surgeon to make your life completely happy. It's not like you have unrealistic expectations
People get into debt for really stupid things. I know people who bought expensive cars and it made them extremely happy.
A hairloss that can completely fix your life as you believe should worth it.


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bigentries said:
HatPrisoner91 said:
Wrong again. I have looked into it and have gone to a couple of them. 5-10 grand hahahahaha. Yeah ok there buddy. The prices are something where I might as well be going to med school for the money they want.
But really, you only need a little effort from an hair transplant surgeon to make your life completely happy. It's not like you have unrealistic expectations
People get into debt for really stupid things. I know people who bought expensive cars and it made them extremely happy.
A hairloss that can completely fix your life as you believe should worth it.

I agree. The scar sucks but you can hide it. You can always get a loan or save up. I know it's expensive but if it will change your life drastically it might be worth it. Wouldn't it at least be worth having a consultation with a hair transplant doctor?


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I have had consults. 3 of them actually. 4 if you count the follow up with one.

I will not take the scar. I would be ok with a nw3/nw4 if I could buzz it down. Even if I just have to have the "shadow". Can't do that with scars. FUE's and body hair is my only options to not have a scar and the amount of grafts and time that would take. We are talking closer to 100K. That were the prices given to me.


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I don't see why I can't post my opinion in response to your opinion...its a god-damn internet message board...I'm going to voice my opinion on something I feel is harmfully incorrect. I don't get why there can't be a positive voice on an "impact" for hairloss forum...if anything thats more useful than just reading constant negative viewpoints that aren't even based in reality.

tbe truth is...you COULD end up only paying 10 thousand or so dollars if you were willing to have the scar. But you're making the decision not to. So that leaves you with less options...you could have the hair tattoo procedure...but you'd still be shaving your head bald and couldn't ever grow out your hair. So why not go with a scar procedure and get enough hair to where you can just buzz it to like a 3 or 4..or keep it neatly cropped without seeing the scar? There is no perfect solution..that is my point. At least not cosmetically. The only perfect solution is one you constantly reject...which is the idea that you can change your mindset about this and realize you're not some hideous freak and that you're not that different from your peers. You're a 40 something year old bald guy...thats not unusual. I don't get at all why you can't be confident like you keep saying...you don't have to "accept" all this negative stuff about yourself just because you're bald. You're a middle aged bald man...isn't that life? You're not conventionally "attractive?" I don't get why that has to be such a huge deal. Are you saying everybody in this world who is positive and happy and makes a difference to others has to be good looking?

In the end, what people fail to realize is that no matter how compelling the reason may seem to be so....you don't HAVE to be bitter/negative/unconfident. You can honestly choose to work at dropping those emotions and not letting the fact you're not as good looking as you could be with hair get in the way of your well-being and your life. You haven't given me any compelling argument for why you CAN'T be happy in life and perfectly accepting of the fact you're bald, despite what others may think. It doesn't matter that you've always felt that way...its possible to change. Just think...you could still be happy and carefree despite being bald and potentially physically "unattractive". Crazy concept, huh?


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Pretty simple, if you are consistently complaining about my posts, which you are (i have had maybe a handful of posts in the past few months and you seem to be on all of them), then why bother reading them?

Compelling argument for you? WHo are you haha?

If things are so dandy why spend your time here?



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HatPrisoner91 said:
Pretty simple, if you are consistently complaining about my posts, which you are (i have had maybe a handful of posts in the past few months and you seem to be on all of them), then why bother reading them?

Compelling argument for you? WHo are you haha?

If things are so dandy why spend your time here?

Dude, the guy is right.
The point of a discussion board is to complain about other people's posts. As long as only counter-arguments and not insults are used.

You have the right to not contribute to his responses if you feel like it, but you can't expect people to stop counter-arguing what you post. Specially when you clearly said you would be happy with an NW3 and people just pointed out a hair transplant could fix that easily.

What kind of doctor you went that expected you to throw 100k? That is completely ridiculous. That would be like 20,000 grafts if every graft costs 5 dollars, and I don't think anyone has come close to that quantity of grafts


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bigentries said:
What kind of doctor you went that expected you to throw 100k? That is completely ridiculous. That would be like 20,000 grafts if every graft costs 5 dollars, and I don't think anyone has come close to that quantity of grafts
Yeah, there is definely something fishy about this 100K estimate. I would say that anything between 10K and 20K is much more realistic for a NW3.