
Scott J

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I'm asking everyone who reads this to answer with a yes or no,please.

I've just started taking Propecia and just picked up some Nex tonight.I feel like I need some regrowth,but wouldn't be sad if I kept what I have.

The thing is I want to use it,but know that it will be a life long commitment which in turn will make it a pain in the arse.However,I will not hesitate if I feel it is warranted.I just don't want to take a chance and find myself worse off because of making a bad choice.

I'm sure that 90% of people on this forum have tried minoxidil.So,the question is has minoxidil been a positive part of your battle?Once again a simple yes or no will do.That is unless you would like to add more.I figure by only asking for a yes or no I'll be more apt to getting a response.

Thanks guys.O and losing your hair sucks,but losing it w/o a fight is stupid


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Hi Scott. YES! Im 20, "normal" hairline, but extreme Diffuse thinning all over

I myself had taken generic minoxidil for about 4 months and stopped cuz of presription problems for a month but went back for 6-8 more months, i can't remember the dates clearly. Overall, my hair was much better than what i started with. Quality, hair count, thickness... all in about 6-8 months, and thats before visiting this forum and before i paid attention to sheds and all. My scalp quality was and still is really BAD. but thats because i wouldn't use anything to fight that off, so you should really looking into a nice shampoo like Nizoral, or some people might help you with other anti-inflammatory creams/ sprays.

ANyway, like you said, its pretty much life long, or until you don't want the results... After stopping minoxidal for a good 4 months now, my hair is the worst it has ever been. ie. Hairline problems, diffuse thinning more than usual, scalp condition stilll in bad shape... I'm dieing for some help now, but its time i tried propecia i guess. Hope i helped, let me know if you need any other help


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Experienced Member
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I would say yes on the propecia......and wait on the minoxidil......once you start controlling your hairloss then try minoxidil to regrow.....but at first you always want to stop your hairloss...which is what propecia will do for you.

Old Baldy

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Good point Ky. I just starting using 5% regularly after my hair transplant. It is greasy stuff and not very convienent.

I have read that studies conclude it is 50% absorbed in the first hour and 75% after four hours. Upjohn recommends four hours before shampooing, so it appears 75 percent is the max. If you have to wash it out after one hour you still have 50 percent absorbed. That's only 25 percent less. Not bad. Better not to skip, just wash out if you have to IMHO.

In the States I can get it for less than $10.00 a month so it's cheaper than a twelve pack or fifth of whiskey. Thank God I don't smoke cigarettes, they are MUCH more expensive now.


Kyriakin said:
I hate minoxidil.

No other treatment, in any other field of medicine has a worse inconvenience/results ratio.

LOL, you want to get yourself some kickass cancer my friend, you will laugh at that last comment.

Kyriakin said:
Sure, I'm sure it does some good. But the results are too subtle to justify that I couldnt wear a hat, have a shawer, go out in the rain, put on concealer or rest my head on a pillow within 1 hour of the application...

why don't you get some of Dr Lee's fast drying stuff?

Scott J

New Member
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Thanks guys! I will stick with the pro and nizoral for several months b4 adding anything else.I figure I could play the odds by getting others opinions on certain products.The pro and nizoral are the easiest things to use so they were a no brainer.It was the minoxidil I didn't want to get into so soon since it's a pain.I'll wait for about a year and see what becomes.O and pray that time is on my side.My hair doesn't seem to be falling out too fast.Though I do notice a big diff in pics of my from 5 years ago.Aint life grand?It sucks!Well the hair part does, life itself is good.Hopefully something will come along for ALL people who have male pattern baldness.If not then can't say we didn't try just wasn't meant to be.

Thanks again guys good luck see ya in a few days