Pooping on Procpecia


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Not a major side effect, but I've noticed fluctuations in my poop schedule after starting propecia (finasteride). I'm only taking .25 mg now (going to increase when the time feels right), but this might be a side because when I tried finasteride b4 for a week (1 mg) the effect on my poo was similar. The first few days I take finasteride my poop is very pebblely, kind of like hard Chihuahua poop. Then my poo got diarreha like. Now I think I'm back to normal, but I feel like I poop more often.

Anyway, thought I would share :dunno:


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Had same issues after 6+ months on it... was pooping rabbit pellets and stomach/abdominals were constantly feeling uneasy. Get bloodtests, you may find your TSH (thyroid) is significantly elevated.

My TSH was at hypothyroid levels when I came off the drug, and constipation is a symptom of hypothyroidism. After quitting, poop went back to normal.