Porcupine Perils

Humpty Dumpty

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Does anybody know whether a mass of stubbly regrowth confined largely to one side of the head and which never seems to grow beyond this stage is symptomatic of female androgenetic alopecia? Anyone else experienced this? Certainly the basic pattern of hair loss seems consistent with AA (if not the speed with which its progressed) but the fact that this stubble occurs mainly on one side of the head seems a bit odd to (albeit unlearned) me. :smoke:


Could you clarify your question a bit more?

You're asking if regrowth that doesn't grow past a certain point, is symptomatic of hormone related hair loss? (Androgenetic Alopecia)

How your hair grows in, for any type of hair loss, isn't really a way to diagnose the type of loss you have. You haven't mentioned whether you're on any treatments, where you apply the treatments, etc.

You havent identified the type of loss you have either, except to say that the loss pattern resembles "AA" (which could be Androgenetic Alopecia or Alopecia Areata).

Could you provide more information?


Humpty Dumpty

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Ok right, sorry. I'm 25, was diagnosed with Female pattern baldness around two years and a half years ago, having noticed thinning on the scalp area (largely left hand side) for maybe a year prior to that. The GP noted quite a large degree of stubbly regrowth whilst assessing me so I know that isn't owing to any treatment prescribed since. I took Dianette for round about six months which coincided with the onset of baldness on the crown area (wahey!) so it was bye bye to Dianette. The damage on my crown and left hand scalp area has accellerated within the past year - during which time I was using the dianette - and is now so extensive that short of going out with a poodle on my head I cannot disguise it. Have recently started taking Regaine and await the dread shed with considerable trepidation. As regards the stubble, that is extensive and, (I believe), terminal hair, and is distributed mainly to the one side of the head, where the thinning occurs. Nor does it ever appear to grow beyond the stubbly stage. I do find it curious that the pattern baldness appears so much worse on one side of the head and wonder whether anyone else has experience of this.


Hair grows and rests in cycles, and growth that doesn't progress past the stubbly stage (every time you say stubble I think of a man's unshaven face, so I need to stop thinking that!).... is very peculiar. First guess would say its trying to grow but is unable to. But then.. hair isn't typically like that, growing a little and then stopping at a certain odd length. Second thought would be to ask how long it's remained in this extra short stage, but knowing the answer to that won't help much either.

Best thing at this point is to use the Rogaine and give it 3 to 6 months. If you experience any irritation or itching that you do not feel is associated with the Rogaine use, but just in general, feel free to use Nizoral shampoo once every 3 days. Any irritation caused by the Rogaine can be handled well with Tricomin Therapy Spray, which will also assist in stimulating growth.

Sometimes the very act of trying to figure out all the "why's" can drive us crazy. Better to play the odds and use the products shown to work and leave the why's to mother nature.


Humpty Dumpty

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>>>(every time you say stubble I think of a man's unshaven face, so I need to stop thinking that!)....

That is essentially what its like. Stub your finger proportions! 8O As for how long its remained in the extra short stage, all I know is that I have a constant mass of stubble on the left hand side of my head. Having felt my way around the scalps of various unwilling family members I can safely say this isn't something I've found on their heads. My extremely uneducated guess was that the hair that was falling out was regrowing only as stubble thus explaining the progressive balding.

But thanks for the tips on Nirozol and Tricomin. I was given to understand by The Powers That Be that the only available treatment for women was Rogaine. And you've a better chance of finding Lord Lucan in the public/university libraries than any information on female pattern baldness. I have an appointment with my "female baldness is just part of life's rich tapestry" dermatologist on Monday whence I shall bombard her with a list of questions regarding possible treatments.


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I have hair at my temples and sides where it fell out after my baby was born. It began growing back in nearly a year ago, but never gets longer than a couple of inches at most. It always looks like it's coming back to my stylist... but by now it should be really long. I haven't gotten any answers to this either.

Humpty Dumpty

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>>>I have hair at my temples and sides where it fell out after my baby was born. It began growing back in nearly a year ago, but never gets longer than a couple of inches at most.

So I am not alone! :smoke: Alas, apparently this may be symptomatic of the condition. Well, I had the appointment with my dermotologist this afternoon. Very nice woman, lovely thick hair. Apparently she has already ran the majority of tests listed above saving the androstenedione and androstenediol(but thanks anyway). Testesterone levels are completely normal so it looks as though I am just hyper sensitive to DHT. Given my age, speed of progression and the fact that I am going to be completely bald on the scalp in a year's time at this rate, I am the worst case they have ever seen and have been honoured with an invite to be conference stougy in a fortnight's time. Lots of lovely doctors coming to probe my scalp and discuss the possibility of oral spironolactone, which is available to women of childbearing age in the UK. Since my androgen levels are normal Im not sure whether there's any real wisdom in this course of action but its any port in a storm at the moment. And I'm buying a wig next week.