Ok right, sorry. I'm 25, was diagnosed with Female pattern baldness around two years and a half years ago, having noticed thinning on the scalp area (largely left hand side) for maybe a year prior to that. The GP noted quite a large degree of stubbly regrowth whilst assessing me so I know that isn't owing to any treatment prescribed since. I took Dianette for round about six months which coincided with the onset of baldness on the crown area (wahey!) so it was bye bye to Dianette. The damage on my crown and left hand scalp area has accellerated within the past year - during which time I was using the dianette - and is now so extensive that short of going out with a poodle on my head I cannot disguise it. Have recently started taking Regaine and await the dread shed with considerable trepidation. As regards the stubble, that is extensive and, (I believe), terminal hair, and is distributed mainly to the one side of the head, where the thinning occurs. Nor does it ever appear to grow beyond the stubbly stage. I do find it curious that the pattern baldness appears so much worse on one side of the head and wonder whether anyone else has experience of this.