Porno and hair transplant's!


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So I got home pretty late from work last night.
I couldn't fall asleep so I started flipping through the channels....

I came across one of the HBO channels and a softporn was on... So I said what da heck let me watch.

about a minute into it as the dude is going doggie on the girl, I cant help but notice how mature his hair is! upon further close ups I spot the scar in his donor area!

So here I am, after a long days work, with p**rn on.. Not watching the p**rn itself for the action, im trying to analyze his hair transplant!

This is what hair loss does to a person :thumbdown2:

as far as his hair transplant goes, they def had some lighting trix going on, however for the most part it was a pretty damn good job.


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I do the same with all TV shows and movies. Probably the first thing I notice about a male character is his hairline. Makes me kinda sad...'cause I plan on making the move to LA next September to try and get into the industry....and they really want guys with good hairlines.
