Positive side effect? Skin.


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For the past week or so - I am only on week 2 of Propecia - I have noticed my skin is a lot less greasy.

I have always had relatively oily skin. It's just one of those things which I've dealt with.

I have a pretty great diet - I could eat more, but generally it's really healthy and balanced - but my skin has always been this awful mix of greasy and dry. I think it's known as "combination" skin.

I use stuff which has stopped spots and such, but recently I have noticed that I have a lot less oily skin all over my body.

I searched around online and people suggest DHT can control oil (because it hangs around in the follicles?) but there's no real solid evidence?

I've came across places where people have been prescribed finasteride for acne, but surely this isn't true?

Anyway, hopefully this is a positive effect (along with hopeful hair growth!!!).

Anyone else had this?


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After looking around the forums, this is more likely to be a side effect of the Regaine than the finasteride?


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I believe DHT levels may be linked to the amount of oils on the skin (I don't know for sure) but there may be the potential for less oily skin while taking finasteride.

After starting finasteride, I have noticed my skin on average is dryer and I have had to use more creams and lotions on my hands or else my hands in particular dry up and crack. Even though I haven't had the greatest skin, anecdotally when reflecting back, ever since I started on finasteride my skin has been a little worse off. Could be coincidence or could be related, I’m not sure.


DHT is involved in the sebaceous gland but once again it comes down to genetics and receptor sites.

http://www.acnescience.com/acne-biology ... logy.shtml

Here's a good site that talks about the biology. This also explains why puberty causes acne since there's a huge increase in testosterone and DHT.

I for one had dryness with Rogaine but never realized. A long period of dry skin which lead to wrinkles. Keep in mind that people with oily skin usually have less wrinkles as they age. I've always had the greasiest face and Rogaine made it dry and scaly. Now that I've been off Rogaine for 3 months my skin is back to being shinier but still not as greasy as before. In 5 days I would have been on 10 months Propecia at 1.25mg. While my oil production is not as high as it was before I started any treatment, I still have about 3 more months to go before the full reversal of Rogaine effects (Studies show hypertrichosis[excessive hair growth on other regions than scalp] is reversed within 6 months). So I won't know for sure till then if propecia has any effect on skin oil.


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Thanks people.

It's strange, because it's not just my face now. My skin in general is drier, in a positive way!

I still sweat normally etc, but in general there's much less grease, which is a problem that I have been plagued with since puberty (nothing much, but I need to shower every day... if I miss a day I'll start getting small greasy breakouts)


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I've been off finasteride for almost 8 months and my oil production still isn't the same. My skin is very dull and dry, hair also.



oily Face make minoxidil

with finasteride was my Face dry


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I think it is the finasteride doing this (it's a good thing for me anyway!) because it's not just my face, it's my entire body.

However, the skin near my tear ducts is slightly drier than it used to be, and I think that is the minoxidil because it's reported with Rogaine/Regaine (but strangely not a side effect they list in the leaflet!)


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wstef said:
I think it is the finasteride doing this (it's a good thing for me anyway!) because it's not just my face, it's my entire body.

However, the skin near my tear ducts is slightly drier than it used to be, and I think that is the minoxidil because it's reported with Rogaine/Regaine (but strangely not a side effect they list in the leaflet!)

O'yeah? I for one would love to have my oil production back... it's not nice having a skin of an old man with no moisture or elasticity.


ghg said:
wstef said:
I think it is the finasteride doing this (it's a good thing for me anyway!) because it's not just my face, it's my entire body.

However, the skin near my tear ducts is slightly drier than it used to be, and I think that is the minoxidil because it's reported with Rogaine/Regaine (but strangely not a side effect they list in the leaflet!)

O'yeah? I for one would love to have my oil production back... it's not nice having a skin of an old man with no moisture or elasticity.

Now that it's been 4.5 months since I went off Rogaine I am even more sure it was causing my dryness. I even had dry arms to the point of where you could see the skin flaking. This has greatly improved. Either it was the Rogaine or maybe my body is adjusting to the finasteride in other ways. I guess i'll never know but I'm glad I'm off Rogaine that's for sure.

Oh and forgot to mention, my forehead is getting oily again. I always had such a bad problem with my forehead grease where I would wipe with tissues and it would show on the tissue. I hope it doesn't get as bad as it was before lol.

I'm on other medications that can cause drying so maybe they will keep it under control.