Positive side-effects of Propecia ?


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I'm 26 years old.. and I noticed thinning about 7 months ago.

I've been on Propecia for about 2 months, and I have had zero noticable negative side-effects. Less hair seems to be falling out also.

This leads me to believe it is going to work very well for me as I have started early on my crown/vertex thinning (no visible bald spots)..

I have noticed, though, that I produce what seems to be MORE semen.. and my ejaculations feel a little bit nicer now. I don't understand this but perhaps I'm experiencing positive sexual benefits from Propecia.

I don't know if things can work that way, but they REALLY seem so. I've had an increase in dirty thoughts too.. it's wierd! But I like it. ;)


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Positive side effects : Increase in hair :)

oh.. and lower chances of prostate problems 40 years down the track.


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IwantMyhair said:
I'm 26 years old.. and I noticed thinning about 7 months ago.

I've been on Propecia for about 2 months, and I have had zero noticable negative side-effects. Less hair seems to be falling out also.

This leads me to believe it is going to work very well for me as I have started early on my crown/vertex thinning (no visible bald spots)..

I have noticed, though, that I produce what seems to be MORE semen.. and my ejaculations feel a little bit nicer now. I don't understand this but perhaps I'm experiencing positive sexual benefits from Propecia.

I don't know if things can work that way, but they REALLY seem so. I've had an increase in dirty thoughts too.. it's wierd! But I like it. ;)

Weird...I've been on finasteride for one month and have the exact same results thus far. Christ if this sh*t works for my hair as well I will be ecstatic. Keep us updated with your progress as I'd be interested in your results since you sound to have the same but are a month ahead in treatment.

Oh yah and what are you on the ol norwood scale?


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yup I made the same post at about the 2 month mark. Increased libido for the first couple months has been pretty common round here....Unfortunately it doesn't last too long so make good use of it :)



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exactly, for me month 1 i had increased libido, month 2 it just wasn't there at all, and now at the end of month 3, it's all fairly back to normal.

one thing i've noticed though it my forehead (and whole scalp) is far far less greasy than it used to be, this is great!!


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Interesting guys! Thanks for stoppin in.

I'm not sure if I'm on the Norwood yet, as I have no bald spots and my hairline is still intact.

I have thinning on my vertex/crown, mostly on left side as the right side is still much thicker. I am still in a 'growth phase', so I feel that the Propecia will work well for me, and Folligen after shampooing for support.. Until I see how things are about 6 months from now, I'm staying off the Xandrox/minoxidil topicals.

I wish the sex drive would remain forever! We'll see.. I'm horny enough as it is anyway ;)


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I'm just past the 3 month mark and I'm still on heat. To be honest it's driving me crazy, I get so cranky on the occasions when my wife's not 'forthcoming'!

Anyone seeing any regrowth this early? My crown is very thin, and I think I can see the right side of the swirl starting to thicken.

I used to try and brush the hair back over it, giving the kind of effect you often see on guys with a balding patch where there is a band of darker hair across the middle of the patch from front to back. Now I just part my hair to one side, and have a light patch just by my crown on the left, a little like the 'after' twin in the Propecia ad.


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Guess we just gotta wait and see. ;)

I'm actually only about 2 months into Propecia, if that.. so I've got a long way to go.

ZERO bad side effects tends to make me confident about how it is going to work for me. Off the topicals though, til I see how Propecia works.

I only use Folligen and Emu oil now.

No 'visible' bald spots ... just thinning crown/vertex.


Well I don't know about you guys but I have been on finasteride for 5 1/2 - 6 months and my sex drive has increased and has stayed like that. My girl is very afraid that I will burn her out. My hair is also getting better as well which is great.

I think the lack of sexual desire also has a lot to do with how fit your are. If you are a couch potatoe then yes, you can expect your sex drive to go down after the initial up with finasteride, but if you are quite fit to start with then the up will continue for a lot longer. I think this is what I am seeing and no one is complaining as of yet. This is the only side affect I am seeing.


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Well it all depends on the individual, plenty of people experience the opposite and have a decrease in sex-drive, like me. Some people can get it quite severly, its not suprising considering finasteride messes with your hormones.

The only reason I found out I was affected to such an extent was when I came off finasteride after two months. I guess my loss in sex drive was gradual over the 2 months, then within 5 days of stopping (due to running out of finasteride), I got my sex-drive back really fast, erections every morning like I used to, wanting sex all the time

I am back on finasteride afer a few months break, I am experiencing the same sides but this time am trying to counteract it. I sure ain't waking up with erections every morning like when I'm not on finasteride tho :(


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Sorry to hear that man.

Good luck with your regimine.


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pharoh said:
Well it all depends on the individual, plenty of people experience the opposite and have a decrease in sex-drive, like me. Some people can get it quite severly, its not suprising considering finasteride messes with your hormones.

The only reason I found out I was affected to such an extent was when I came off finasteride after two months. I guess my loss in sex drive was gradual over the 2 months, then within 5 days of stopping (due to running out of finasteride), I got my sex-drive back really fast, erections every morning like I used to, wanting sex all the time

I am back on finasteride afer a few months break, I am experiencing the same sides but this time am trying to counteract it. I sure ain't waking up with erections every morning like when I'm not on finasteride tho :(

Yeah, I'm in the same boat man. Before I started using finasteride, I used to get morning wood every single morning on the dot. Now, I'm lucky if I get it once a month. And I've been on the drug for 4+ years. Indeed, it's a high price we pay for vanity.



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drinkrum - 4+ years? at last an experienced finasteride user still using this forum regularly. how has it been over this whole time? is finasteride your only treatment? and how has the finasteride fared over this time period in particular, especially towards the end of year 1 onwards?

thanks, would really appreciate your response.


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^ I too, am interested.

The shedder

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I think I am in the same boat as drinkrum, however when i do get it up my erection gets soft soon after. My lack of desire is also down, and when i do orgasm i have a liquidy discharge similar to the consistency of water, nothing like the normal thick rich finasteride free days. Thats how I can truly attest I have experienced side effects. Ihave read side effects subside, however drinkrums results sound disheartining


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youngguy_uk said:
drinkrum - 4+ years? at last an experienced finasteride user still using this forum regularly. how has it been over this whole time? is finasteride your only treatment? and how has the finasteride fared over this time period in particular, especially towards the end of year 1 onwards?

thanks, would really appreciate your response.

Yes, only finasteride. I do use T/Gel everyday and Nizoral on rare occasion. I posted some pics when I recently had buzzed my head back in July.

I do think my hair peaked at the 2-year mark and surely but slowly gotten closer to baseline, e.g. what it was when I started. I noticed a big upswing in libido for the first couple of months but since then the libido is much less than those pre-finasteride days. I used to have sex 4-5 times/day when I was 17 and 18. Now, I'm 22 and it's hard for me to go 2 times/day. Granted, I am much busier and am often very tired at night.

I'm gonna post some pics I just took on my Web site (http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/drinkrum/my_photos) so you can compare them with the ones from July. There shouldn't really be any difference except my hair is grown out.

Keep in mind for these recent pictures that since I've been lying in bed, I have a big cowlick on the back right side of my head and so my hair might be a little outta whack there.

Also, here's a link to my original post from July: http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... t=pictures



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damn drunkrum...have u been consistently using 1mg/finasteride/day for 4 years? Also u say u have no more morning woods, what about sex? Have u noticed that ur erections r softer and tend to go away faster? Just curious


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NeedSomeHelp said:
damn drunkrum...have u been consistently using 1mg/finasteride/day for 4 years? Also u say u have no more morning woods, what about sex? Have u noticed that ur erections r softer and tend to go away faster? Just curious

Yes, 1 mg Propecia for the first two years and split Proscar since. Yeah, my erections are not as hard as pre-finasteride and also not as often. It takes a lot more than dirty thoughts to get my magic wand up now it seems too.



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Drink..have u tried to cycle finasteride off for a short time to see if ur sexual function returns to normal? Seems like an awful lot to pay for hair.