Possibility of losing hair affecting desire to be healthy


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Things that make a man healthy like heavy lifting, eating healthy fats and being in the outdoors all lead to increased testosterone which leads to higher DHT levels. It sounds silly but to always think about how your activity may affect your hair is a real pain in the ***. I've even seen some people suggesting eating soy products to lower DHT levels, basically feminizing the body and making everything weaker to save the hair strands on the head. I just wish they hurry up and make legitimate treatments for this stuff already so I can go back to lifting heavy weights without worrying about going bald.


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My Regimen
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I say lift and do whatever you want, it will make you look better regardless of whether you have hair or not. I don't worry about that too much. There are other things to worry about. Things like diet and habits won't make much of a difference in the long run anyway so do what makes you feel best and stay as healthy as possible, don't make that an excuse to treat the rest of your body like **** just cause your hair is not ideal.


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Being outdoors, consuming healthy fats and working out all have marginal impact on T values, let alone DHT values. Taking finasteride has such a large impact on your hormone values that lifting (or not) doesn't really matter. And there's still dutasteride if things would go south. Point's being, an efficient hair loss treatment plan won't stand or fall by these lifestyle choices you mention.


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I know everyone is not the same, but...While I was working out consistently for 8 years (up until i was 28ish) I lost little to no hair. I was very active. I quickly progressed to a NW3+ while not working out at all and having a worse diet/sleeping habits/stress. In my experience, exercise did not cause hair loss. It almost appeared to be the opposite (Although I'm sure these things probably have no relevance at all and it was going to happen either way).


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When you're balding, you're going to be viewed as a subhuman no matter what you do, so why bother working so hard to stay in shape?


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When you're balding, you're going to be viewed as a subhuman no matter what you do, so why bother working so hard to stay in shape?
Tell it like it is, brother!! Although this theory is very controversial if you were to mention it to an NWOblivious.
"There is no way we as a society are that simplistic and shallow!"
"Nah....it's all in your head brah!!!"