Possibility Of Not Loosing Hair After Minoxidil?

There is a possibility?

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Ciprian Popescu

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Hey guys! As the title says, I just want to ask if there is a chance?

And now, to explain why I think of this. As far as I know, Minoxidil is a vasodilator (so it will get more blood, with more nutrients to the hair bulbs). The reason of hair loss usually is genetic (so you body just converts a lot of DHT and it will destroy your hair) or some people have too much stress in their lives. So, the idea is: If a man don't have any issues with genetic hair loss, he only have stress problems, can he stop minoxidil and keep the new hairs? (Of course, if the stress is also stopped)

OPTIONAL TO READ: My personal experience with hair loss

So I'm 19, this summer I will get 20. At 16 years, I lost 30 kg in 2 months (I starved, because I just really wanted to loose weight). In those times, I had a long, extremly thick and curly hair, but after the weight loss, my hair started to fall :( So I was forced to cut it short. Now I have 1,83 in height and 82kg, I think I'm okay.

Another fact: at 14-15 years I started to masturbate. Like.. a lot. I mean, I had some weeks with daily masturbation, because of boredom (I'm not a horny person at all). The past 4 months I heard that the stress coming from too much masturbation (and sex) can cause an increase in DHT levels, so hair loss. (And that's how my no fap october turned in a no fap life. Since october, I haven't fapped. I can't really see any improvements with hair, BUT GOD: All of my acne is gone. For some reason.

About genetics... My dad have 55 years and have thicker hair than me. My mom's hair is also great (and my uncles from mom). So I really don't think I could have bad genetics. I mean, literally everyone have incredible great hair in my family.

I'm a student at Cybernetics in Romania. (Yes, I'm a nerd, I study and stress a lot about it) So, I started to think that my hair loss problems is only from stress. Right now, it's hard to notice just from look that I have hair problems, but if you will touch my hair, you will easily feel that it's not okay.

My regimen? I used 2-3 months Vichy Dercos Aminexil (Literally, no improvements, I used it because I heard it doesn't work like Minoxidil, so I could easily stop it). Now I'm only using some Nettle Shampoo and Alpecin CTX (because I have natural Calcium problems, I noticed some help in my hair with it)

As you can see, I'm not sure I have a DHT problem, I think I have a stress problem. So my question is: If I use Minoxidil, I have a chance to keep the hair? (involving I will probably stop minoxidil after I graduate, when my stres is gone). Oh, and thanks for you time! ^_^


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Most important thing you can do is get a comprehensive blood test so you know where your health and risk factors are. Without this first step you are wasting your time worrying about anything else.

Ciprian Popescu

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As I said, is hard to notice any hair issues because it is curly. You can only Feel it, by touching.

Most important thing you can do is get a comprehensive blood test so you know where your health and risk factors are. Without this first step you are wasting your time worrying about anything else.
Well, I did (3 of them). The *only* problem (that I keep having since birth) is a little calcium problem...


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Hey guys! As the title says, I just want to ask if there is a chance?

And now, to explain why I think of this. As far as I know, Minoxidil is a vasodilator (so it will get more blood, with more nutrients to the hair bulbs). The reason of hair loss usually is genetic (so you body just converts a lot of DHT and it will destroy your hair) or some people have too much stress in their lives. So, the idea is: If a man don't have any issues with genetic hair loss, he only have stress problems, can he stop minoxidil and keep the new hairs? (Of course, if the stress is also stopped)

OPTIONAL TO READ: My personal experience with hair loss

So I'm 19, this summer I will get 20. At 16 years, I lost 30 kg in 2 months (I starved, because I just really wanted to loose weight). In those times, I had a long, extremly thick and curly hair, but after the weight loss, my hair started to fall :( So I was forced to cut it short. Now I have 1,83 in height and 82kg, I think I'm okay.

Another fact: at 14-15 years I started to masturbate. Like.. a lot. I mean, I had some weeks with daily masturbation, because of boredom (I'm not a horny person at all). The past 4 months I heard that the stress coming from too much masturbation (and sex) can cause an increase in DHT levels, so hair loss. (And that's how my no fap october turned in a no fap life. Since october, I haven't fapped. I can't really see any improvements with hair, BUT GOD: All of my acne is gone. For some reason.

About genetics... My dad have 55 years and have thicker hair than me. My mom's hair is also great (and my uncles from mom). So I really don't think I could have bad genetics. I mean, literally everyone have incredible great hair in my family.

I'm a student at Cybernetics in Romania. (Yes, I'm a nerd, I study and stress a lot about it) So, I started to think that my hair loss problems is only from stress. Right now, it's hard to notice just from look that I have hair problems, but if you will touch my hair, you will easily feel that it's not okay.

My regimen? I used 2-3 months Vichy Dercos Aminexil (Literally, no improvements, I used it because I heard it doesn't work like Minoxidil, so I could easily stop it). Now I'm only using some Nettle Shampoo and Alpecin CTX (because I have natural Calcium problems, I noticed some help in my hair with it)

As you can see, I'm not sure I have a DHT problem, I think I have a stress problem. So my question is: If I use Minoxidil, I have a chance to keep the hair? (involving I will probably stop minoxidil after I graduate, when my stres is gone). Oh, and thanks for you time! ^_^

I'm no doctor, this is just my opinion, but from all I've researched the chances of experiencing side effects from Finasteride (Propecia) are very small. And the chances are even smaller that any side effects will be permanent. But yes, there are people out there who say they've experienced permanent sexual problems as a result of taking Finasteride. There's just a lot more people who don't have those stories. So the choice is yours if you want to take the gamble. I took it and I've never had any side effects from Finasteride. I started it around age 25 and took it for a year. I then stupidly stopped because I went to live in another country and just didn't ever take the time to figure out how to get a prescription drug in a different country. I'm back on it now, but that big gap in time I'm sure didn't help anything. Anyway, the point I want to make is that the most effective thing you can do right now is start taking Finasteride. It is the the biggest and most proven method of stopping hair loss. And studies show that the younger you start taking it, the better. Don't make the same mistake I did and wait to long. And don't stop taking it once you've started unless you experience negative side effects. With any hairless regimen, patience and sticking with it are key. It takes time for the hair regrowth cycle to start so be patient. You're 19, if you start using Finasteride now there's a good chance you will stop your hairloss or at lease significantly prolong the life span of your hair. And use Nizoral shampoo twice a week. Nizoral and Finasteride together are a 1-2 punch. They work very well together.

The Big 3 of fighting hair loss, as I'm sure you'll find if you continue to do your own research, are:

Finasteride (Propecia)
Minoxidil (Rogaine)
Nizoral Shampoo

I wouldn't trust doing things like not masturbating are going to have any real impact on your hair loss. Do what's been scientifically studied and verified. The Big 3 is what you need if you're serious with fighting hair loss.


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As I said, is hard to notice any hair issues because it is curly. You can only Feel it, by touching.

Well, I did (3 of them). The *only* problem (that I keep having since birth) is a little calcium problem...

"You can only Feel it, by touching."

In my professional opinion, this sounds like an issue caused purely by childhood masturbation. At this point there is nothing you can do. You will be bald within 3-5 years.


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"You can only Feel it, by touching."

In my professional opinion, this sounds like an issue caused purely by childhood masturbation. At this point there is nothing you can do. You will be bald within 3-5 years.

Ciprian Popescu

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"You can only Feel it, by touching."

In my professional opinion, this sounds like an issue caused purely by childhood masturbation. At this point there is nothing you can do. You will be bald within 3-5 years.

Man, I'm not gonna give you photos of my hair because of pure lazyness. What it's not clear? When you look at it, you simply can't notice any problem, because it is curly. If you try to move your hand through the curls, you will notice the bad density of the hair. As I tried to explain in the first place, I don't have a *big* problem. At this state... I think I will probably get any bald spots at 30-40 years. I simply don't want to get there, I want to try to hold my hair in a "good" or maybe "better" shape as long as I can.

Excuse me for being aware of my hair! What do you want from me? To ask for help when I'm allready bald? No, I will research when I notice some first signs, like is normal to do. Oh and, "Childhood masturbation"? What is wrong with that? You never masturbate or what?. "Professional opinion" ? ...sure.


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Man, I'm not gonna give you photos of my hair because of pure lazyness. What it's not clear? When you look at it, you simply can't notice any problem, because it is curly. If you try to move your hand through the curls, you will notice the bad density of the hair. As I tried to explain in the first place, I don't have a *big* problem. At this state... I think I will probably get any bald spots at 30-40 years. I simply don't want to get there, I want to try to hold my hair in a "good" or maybe "better" shape as long as I can.

Excuse me for being aware of my hair! What do you want from me? To ask for help when I'm allready bald? No, I will research when I notice some first signs, like is normal to do. Oh and, "Childhood masturbation"? What is wrong with that? You never masturbate or what?. "Professional opinion" ? ...sure.
we want pictures because it gives us a better indication of what type of medical treatments you can use in the future. for instance, why should anyone here recommend propecia if your hairloss is minimal/or so severe that is it pointless? or minoxidil for that matter? or what if your hairloss is because of inflammation?

Do you think you can go to a doctor with a beanie on and refusing to show it? no. they dont care if u cant ''see'' it because you might just be delusional, and even if you aren't they're in need of material in order to examine your issue.

just post pictures, if u're that insecure u can just hide ur face
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