Possible Fix For Fut Scar To Shave Head


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Hello everyone I just recently had an FUT strip procedure which I immediately regretted. Yes I'm young and dumb but I've been researching for ways to get rid of the scar I'll have and decided I want to just be able to make it go away and bald gracefully. So some scars remain pinkish and red which have proven treatments for them so I won't worry about those. the ones that I usually see and might end up with are the white scars which from my research are hypopigmented. Hypopigmentation is when your skin will be discolored (lighter than your normal skin tone) which is caused by lack of melanin which produces pigment to the skin giving it your skin tone. Some say a form of laser I think Fraxel lasers will work in reducing the appearance or even evening skin tone of the scar. Call me crazy, but I keep seeing success stories of people who have been using ginger root to get rid of hypopigmentation. Being persistent and given enough time they said it goes away completely. Now it sounds like a dumb idea but I'm gonna try it anyway and use it on my scar that runs from ear to ear 2-3 times a day every day in hopes that it will even out my skin tone to see how I'd look shaved. Has anyone ever heard of this or even tried it?? There is some pics too where it shows how their lighter skin evened out with their original tone too. I can also post pics of any progress or just write back as unsuccessful. Just wanna make this scar invisible and help others too. Then I can fue to fill in the blanks :)


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Skin color however is only one of the differences between scar tissue and normal skin. You may want to look into dermoabrasion.

I'm surprised you didn't laugh at my idea lol but I think that's an even better idea now. Since the skin has several layers and FUT cuts into one of the top layers then the scarring prevents that layer from producing melanin due to hypopigmented skin from healing. The layers underneath however I would think can still produce melanin since they're unaffected or at least according to one doctor's notes I've read. So dermabrasion could bring that layer of skin more to the surface to restore some tone to it and then try the ginger root to blend it in and promote any of the existant layer to produce melanin. Or maybe the ginger thing might just be a hoax but read a lot of success stories so I figure at least it can't do harm if it fails. Might even try microneedling in addition to those things to make sure it soaks into the scar :)


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I thought dermarolling might help sense it is used for scars but honestly I don't have a clue.