Possible Gyno


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Hi guys

I've been experiencing a sort of numb pain in my right breast area. Now I have gained weight last year a lot of weight, Well, a lot of fat so it's sort of hard for me to tell if I'm developing anything as up until this point as my chest gained a lot of fat through my unhealthy eating before i started finasteride. To give you a timeline I started eating very unhealthy in december 2013, I started Finasteride in november 2014. So I did get a lot of fat in that area well before i started finasteride. I always attributed the fat to the unhealthy eating. However, I've noticed that the fact isn't evenly distributed. (I don't think it ever was but maybe I missed something) and I've noticed a numb pain/discomfort in the side which seems to have more fat. I've tried in my mind to rational it saying oh it's a side effect of gaining weight. I'd pull squish the fat down around under my arm and saw that it made a huge difference to any boob like appearance. I spoke to a doctor who said any concern of breast enlargement is probably because of the unhealthy eating and since I'm relatively new at having a fat on my body or at least excess fat, Is it normal to have dull pains? What I'm thinking of trying is seeing if the pain continues to persist for another week and if it does, dropping finasteride for 2 months to see if the pain goes away. I really do not want to drop finasteride, I'd prefer hair, In fact I'm also weighing up which is worse being bald or having small breasts for a few years till i can have them removed. That's how important hair is to me. I'm interested in your thoughts & opinions. I've tried to be as objective as possible in my thinking.