Possible Hair Transplant Solution For My Case?


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Male 23 years old. NW2 hairline, but with thinning hair on crown, about the size of a baseball. Elsewhere, the hair is pretty thick. Currently getting away with hair fibres on the thinning spot. My dad is the only one on the father side who is bald (NW5). But my mother´s side is worse. Her dad is also a NW5, and my uncles on the mother side aswell. No male in the family is past a NW5 yet, and they are all in their 50-60´s. Currently using minoxidil 2 times a day on the whole top of my head + keto shampoo 2-3 times a week. Propecia is currently not an option for me.

I´ve been seing videos of Dr. Lorenzo lately, and he has great results with NW6´s. If you go to his youtube channel, there are a couple of 40-50 year old men with advanced alopecia who are not on medication.

I understand that my unwillingness to use propecia will most likely make me a nw4-nw5 within age 30-35.
However, due to my family history, it also most likely won´t proceed much further I guess.

Except for the crown, my hair is has always been thick and dense, so I recon that I have a good donor area. Of course, not sure of this until I go for some consultations.

I am thinking that if I already now undergo perhaps two big procedures using 5000-6000 grafts to cover the whole top of my head, this might be a solution? Given that I have these grafts available of course. My original hair might fall out, but at least most of the transplanted hairs will remain and still leave me with a decent coverage.

Could this be a solution for my hair loss, or am I completely lost?

Murkey Thumb

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You need to post pictures before anybody will give you advice. The guy in the video must have had a really good donor supply of hair to get those results.