Possible new way to mix RU58841 ?


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not sure.. you still need some ethanol to dissolve the RU.
Also, this lotion main ingredient by volume is distilled water, and we know that RU does not dissolve in water.

In fact, when you try to add a little water to the dissolved RU in ethanol, the RU is resolving itself again and particles re-appear.

for the price, its much cheaper to just buy some ethanol, PG and aloea vera and mix it.

I tried ethanol alone, ethanol + aloe vera and ethanol 90% and PG 10% and I must say that ethanol + PG is the best so far.

Hard to beat PG in terms of absorption and price and mixability with ethanol and RU.

I have just received some dimethyl isosorbide, will try to add that too.

And the problem with Emu oil is that it brings stuff into the bloodstream..this is not what we want. In fact this product is aimed at bodybuilders who want to bring drugs into the blood I think.


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Yes El_dut you are correct, that solution is meant to go straight to the bloodstream. Its so it can go to the bloodstream and bypass the harmful effects it brings to the liver.......so yes definatly not a good idea.

So where do you get the Ethenhol and PG from ? What is the ratio and how you mix of the aloe, pg, ethenhol? Im searching for a post that shows it, id love to make a page that has details if i try it.

Im also tying to calculate the price, Id say after shipping to the USA it costs alot up front, ,but turns out to be around 65 a month.


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i use 90% ethanol and 10% PG and it works great.
if you add some aloe vera (just eyeball it) it make the lotion thicker and more soothing to the scalp.

If you are in the US you need to buy everclear 190proof (95%) and you can get PG online


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So you use about 20 mg of RU powder in the morning, how much should i use to cover the whole top of my head since i believe im diffuse.

So for example you take 20mg RU powder and mix it in 18ml of Everclear and 2ml of PG ?


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DarkVctry said:
So you use about 20 mg of RU powder in the morning, how much should i use to cover the whole top of my head since i believe im diffuse.

So for example you take 20mg RU powder and mix it in 18ml of Everclear and 2ml of PG ?


If you use a 1ML dropper just squirt 3 full 1 ML's dropper fulls into the glass dropper bottle and a half of a dropper (.5 ML) of PG.

You may be able to order a bottle of PG from these guys : http://www.noraapothecary.com/

thats where I got mine...

good luck!


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its a lot easier to prepare a larger bottle with the ethanol-pg mix so that you don't have to do it every day.

As for the ethanol -?PG proportion and amount you can just eyeball it, does not have to be precise.

The only thing you cannot eyeball is the actual amount/weight of RU, therefore you need a scale that can display 0.001g.

I now use 80mg a day.


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So for the 80mg of powder your mixing that with about a 1:1 ratio of your Ethenhol/PG ? like 80mg mixed with 80ml


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el_duterino said:
its a lot easier to prepare a larger bottle with the ethanol-pg mix so that you don't have to do it every day.

As for the ethanol -?PG proportion and amount you can just eyeball it, does not have to be precise.

The only thing you cannot eyeball is the actual amount/weight of RU, therefore you need a scale that can display 0.001g.

I now use 80mg a day.

thanks dutasteride for all your help w/ the RU instructions. I think this stuff is working. Shedding is nill, and hair seems to be getting stronger and more managable. (1.5 mths) The small vellus hairs along my hairline are lengthening, kind of like they did when I fisrst went on finasteride....cool!

Since Im saving money by not buying Eucapil, i may up my dose to 80mg's


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so Irish, you all cool still man? Your regimen is pretty cool, I'm sure a lot of people get tempted to follow it!

How much does the RU cost you monthly (and really sorry to ask you questions you have probably had a MILLION times before! :) )


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Im 47 and had taken finasteride for about 8 yrs, its effectiveness started to wane after year 6, upped the dose w/ no appreciable improvement. My libido and over all firmness was suffering too so I said WT F.

Went on Fluridil and had no shed after dropping finasteride...


I went w/ the "non FE" company. Easy to work w/ and got my order quicker than expected. Got a bottle of ever clear and some PG from a local apothocary and I was on my way. Only problem was finding a reliable scale...ordered a crappy little Chinese modle that didnt work so went to a local head shop in Indy and got a good little scale, it looks like a CD case, it was about $40....


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lakota, my story is similar.I am 42.
I was on finasteride for 6 years starting 1998 and it worked well at first, but at year 6 its effectiveness dropped suddenly.

I should have switched to RU but was not aware of the drug at that time so I switched to dutasteride.

dutasteride gave me a decent boost lasting 4 years but the libido was down a lot during these time and I had to rely on v****/cialis which worked very well in such case. But I also had some brain fog on dutasteride and a lack of drive/motivation..not real good for work.

But again, at year 4 on dutasteride it was not effective to halt male pattern baldness anymore so this is where I started topical Flutamide, then fluridil and then finally RU.

I first used dutasteride+RU, then tried various combination of RU+Fluridil, RU+finasteride, RU alone etc..

RU alone is whats best for me now, no sides and good results.


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In terms of RU costs..$40 per gram so at 80mg a day that's $3.20 a day.


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Woah El dutasteride you now use just RU alone? And it works?

That's pretty amazing, I didn't know it was quite THAT strong! :)


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el_duterino said:
lakota, my story is similar.I am 42.
I was on finasteride for 6 years starting 1998 and it worked well at first, but at year 6 its effectiveness dropped suddenly.

I should have switched to RU but was not aware of the drug at that time so I switched to dutasteride.

dutasteride gave me a decent boost lasting 4 years but the libido was down a lot during these time and I had to rely on v****/cialis which worked very well in such case. But I also had some brain fog on dutasteride and a lack of drive/motivation..not real good for work.

But again, at year 4 on dutasteride it was not effective to halt male pattern baldness anymore so this is where I started topical Flutamide, then fluridil and then finally RU.

I first used dutasteride+RU, then tried various combination of RU+Fluridil, RU+finasteride, RU alone etc..

RU alone is whats best for me now, no sides and good results.

I thought about going on dutasteride, but decided against it...glad I was able to get assistance from you on how to start up this RU treatment...take care