Post Finasteride Syndrome: A Broad Overview Of This Devastating Disease


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In light of recently receiving desperate sounding messages on this forum from a few users, and reading the current level of discourse regarding Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS) on, it has become clear to me that it is necessary to make this thread. The aim of this thread is to give an up to date overview of the disease that is currently termed Post Finasteride Syndrome and to dispel some of the misconceptions surrounding what it is and how one could potentially avoid it. It is the thread I wish I’d read before I took the drug.

  1. Post Finasteride Syndrome is an incredibly serious disease, the onset of which usually occurs after discontinuation of the drug (though in some cases, while on the drug). Most of the talk focuses on sexual side effects but its devastating symptoms are far broader and more damaging than what is usually discussed
Post-finasteride syndrome (PFS) is a disorder characterized by a set of clinical symptoms experienced during use or after drug discontinuation. This cluster of symptoms encompasses overall sexual dysfunction (SD), erectile dysfunction (ED), loss of libido, depression, suicidal ideation, anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and cognitive dysfunction.

2. If you have (what is suspected to be a genetic) predisposition to developing PFS, there is nothing you can do to stop the onset of it once you have taken the drug and as little as a single dose of finasteride has been enough to cause PFS in many men. Whether you establish pre-finasteride treatment hormone levels via blood tests or take the drug with the “supervision of a medical professional” is irrelevant. This is because

3. There currently exists no cure nor treatment for the disease once it has occured in the individual. Patients that have tried to remedy their symptoms via the endocrinologist’s office, be it with testosterone replacement therapy, aromatase inhibitors or a slew of other hormonal treatments have observed either no change in their condition, or, converse to the usual male physiological response to increased androgens, a worsening of their symptoms.

4. The symptomology of PFS is wide ranging in both number of symptoms and in severity. Some cases are “mild”, in relative terms, while others present with a multitude of extremely serious symptoms. How quickly and severely a patient develops PFS is likely due to genetic and epigenetic variations.​

Excerpts from patients' threads on describing how bad this disease can be will be in the second post.

Some common questions and objections I see raised on the issue of finasteride and persisting side effects:

Finasteride was approved by the FDA! It wouldn’t be sold if it wasn’t reasonably safe"

Approval by the FDA should mean that the substance in question is reasonably safe for use in the wider population. Sadly, despite FDA approval, many drugs have had to be subsequently withdrawn from the market after wider use showed severe consequences which were not adequately assessed or communicated by the very institution that was supposed to protect the public from such outcomes. Take another Merck (makers of propecia) drug, Vioxx, which was approved by the FDA. Withdrawn from the market after five years, it caused approximately 100000 heart attacks and thousands of deaths. The revelations that resulted from the ensuing scrutiny offer a chilling insight into the machinations of a pharmaceutical company that nakedly prized its profit margin above its duty not to harm its consumers. It also exposed the FDA’s rank inadequacies in preventing such a tragedy from happening in the first place.

“Merck Manipulated the Science about the Drug Vioxx”

Scientists from the pharmaceutical giant Merck skewed the results of clinical trials in favor of the arthritis drug, Vioxx, to hide evidence that the drug increased patients’ risk of heart attack.

Tragically, Merck’s manipulation of its data—and the FDA’s resulting approval of Vioxx in 1999—led to thousands of avoidable premature deaths and 100,000 heart attacks. Dr. David Graham, the Associate Director for Science and Medicine in FDA’s Office of Drug Safety, testified in 2004 before the Senate Finance Committee that the FDA's failure to recall Vioxx earlier had resulted in as many as 55,000 premature deaths from heart attacks and stroke, calling it the equivalent of allowing "two to four jumbo jetliners" to crash every week for five years. Even years after discontinuing use of the drug, patients who have taken Vioxx continue to experience complications.

“Drug giant Merck accused of deaths cover-up”

When a study suggested that Vioxx was more dangerous than a rival drug, for example, the company is alleged to have decided not to publish the results or properly inform the FDA.

Egilman says the documents also contain an email in which a Merck employee tells a co-worker that “this is a very serious result and you will hardly be surprised by the idea of keeping this VERY TIGHT for the moment”.

“Vioxx maker Merck and Co drew up doctor hit list”

An international drug company made a hit list of doctors who had to be “neutralised” or discredited because they criticised the anti-arthritis drug the pharmaceutical giant produced.

The email, which came out in the Federal Court in Melbourne yesterday as part of a class action against the drug company, included the words "neutralise", "neutralised" or "discredit" against some of the doctors' names.

"We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live," a Merck employee wrote, according to an email excerpt read to the court by Julian Burnside QC, acting for the plaintiff.

“Merck Agrees to Settle Vioxx Suits for $4.85 Billion”

Three years after withdrawing its pain medication Vioxx from the market, Merck has agreed to pay $4.85 billion to settle 27,000 lawsuits by people who claim they or their family members suffered injury or died after taking the drug, according to two lawyers with direct knowledge of the matter.

FDA scientist Dr David Graham stated in testimony before congress regarding Vioxx “what may be the single greatest drug safety catastrophe in the history of this country or the history of the world. We are talking about a catastrophe that I strongly believe could have, should have been largely or completely avoided. But it wasn’t, and over 100,000 Americans have paid dearly for this failure. In my opinion, the FDA has let the American people down, and sadly, betrayed a public trust. I believe there are at least 3 broad categories of systemic problems that contributed to the Vioxx catastrophe and to a long line of other drug safety failures in the past 10 years. Briefly, these categories are 1) organizational/structural, 2) cultural, and 3) scientific.”

There’s no objective evidence for the existence of PFS

Other than thousands upon thousands of anecdotal reports from different men of severe adverse reactions to the drug appearing on the internet in the decades since it was approved for sale, evidence of objective differences between PFS patients and control groups has now been established.

The ratio of AR positive stromal cells % to serum testosterone concentrations was 2-fold higher in cases than in controls (P = 0.001). Our findings revealed that modulation of local AR levels might be implicated in long-term side effects of finasteride use. This provides the first evidence of a molecular objective difference between patients with long-term adverse sexual effects after finasteride use versus drug untreated healthy controls in certain tissues.

We also reported abnormal somatosensory evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve in PFS patients with severe ED, the first objective evidence of a neuropathy involving peripheral neurogenic control of erection.

Data obtained on neuroactive steroid levels also indicate interesting features. Indeed, decreased levels of pregnenolone, progesterone and its metabolite (i.e., dihydroprogesterone), dihydrotestosterone and 17beta-estradiol and increased levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, testosterone and 5alpha-androstane-3alpha,17beta-diol were observed in CSF of PFS patients.

Finally, finasteride did not only affect, as expected, the levels of 5alpha-reduced metabolites of progesterone and testosterone, but also the further metabolites and precursors suggesting that this drug has broad consequence on neuroactive steroid levels of PFS patients.

Using novel ultrasound technology, 96% of men with PFS and ED demonstrated heterogeneity in their corporal tissue at maximal pharmacologic erection. This new protocol is able to show that PFS men complaining of ED may have an underlying biologic pathophysiology.

So, three objective differences in men with PFS

  1. Double the androgen receptor expression compared to non-PFS control group

  2. Cerebrospinal fluid readings of PFS patients showed significantly lowered levels of several hormones and neuroactive steroids and “abnormal somatosensory evoked potentials of the pudendal nerve were reported”

  3. Ultrasounds of PFS patients’ genitals showed evidence of a potential biologic pathophysiology

You can’t have such a reaction from only 1 mg of finasteride. It takes time to saturate

The important thing to be aware of is that this condition is post finasteride syndrome. It occurs after the drug has been withdrawn. It is nothing to do with the amount of the drug taken, the dose, or the duration of use. It seems impossible, doesn’t it? That such a reaction could happen from such limited exposure. Think of this as a predisposed allergy to finasteride and to the lowering of androgens in the body. A recent tragedy reported in the news is a salient example of how people can react to foods or substances which are tolerated without event by the majority of the population:

Didn’t some guys say they got better by following something called the ‘CDs nuts protocol’”?

The forum poster “CD nuts” claims to have had PFS then cured himself, variously, by water fasting; “juice feasting”; using dozens of “herbs”; using a penis pump; using pro hormones; exposing his testicles to sunlight; cold showers and using a brush on his skin in the shower. It has since emerged that he did not even experience the “crash” which characterises nearly every patient story of PFS and he is a confessed user of steroids prior to his use of finasteride. His website just so happens to feature an affiliate link to practically every element of his recovery regimen, including the blender to make the juice feast; the jars to store them in; all of the herbs; the bath mate penis pump; and the shower brush.

CD nuts states on his own website that it took him five years to be recovered. The common factors to any improvements or recoveries seen on are time and luck. So, has the CD nuts protocol actually worked for PFS patients? Despite the question being asked countless times over the years on, few posters have come forward as cured from it. CD nuts, along with other “gurus”, have emerged within the pfs forumsphere in the last few years proclaiming their “protocols” or recommendations to be one size fits all panaceas to this intractable and baffling disease. Their “protocols” unfortunately do not amount to much more than alternative medicine If their regimens did work, propeciahelp would not continue to see the traffic it does. The CD nuts “cure” is a myth, and a harmful one at that: part of my pros vs cons reasoning in whether to take finasteride in the first place was influenced by uninformed talk on this website that men with this thing called PFS were reversing the problem, in part, by frequent gym work (something which I did as a matter of hobby for years prior to my use of finasteride). The degree of fatigue I now experience as a consequence of PFS means I can no longer go to the gym. It is also harmful in the herbs it recommends as many men with PFS have reported a worsening of symptoms after using them.

Here are some of the young men whose lives were cut short by this disease, caused by what they thought was a safe treatment for a cosmetic issue

Matthew Johnson

Matthew documented in photos the devastation finasteride wrought upon his skin

His obituary

His posts on propecia help can be found under the username “lashes_to_lashes”

Randy Santmann

Commited suicide at age 22 after developing post finasteride sydrome. His father, Dr John Santmann, founded the PFS Foundation. A CBS news report on his suicide:

His posts on propecia help can be found under the username "paximperia".

Dr Daniel Stewart

A Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of North Texas-Denton, he served in the U.S. Air Force from 1994 to 1998, graduated from Kentucky Wesleyan College Magna c*m Laude, earned his Master's Degree from Eastern Kentucky University and his PhD from Sam Houston State University.

“Daniel personified all that is good about democracy and our nation’s law-enforcement system while being selfless about helping advance medical science,” said PFS Foundation CEO Dr. John Santmann. “His loss is felt far and wide.”

His posts can be found on propecia help under the username “JurgisRudkus1906”. He used a total of 9 finasteride pills.

Romain Mathieu

In June 2016, the 25-year-old Parisian, who had several months earlier moved home from London where he'd been studying at Europe's most prestigious business school, and had been scheduled to intern at Deutsche Bank, sealed himself in a tent at a local park. Then he released carbon monoxide gas which, as intended, killed him. The would-be investment banker signed his suicide note “A victim of Propecia.” He'd been suffering from PFS for 3 years.



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Some posts from describing how bad this disease can be

These posts were written by Randy Santmann shortly before he comitted suicide.

“I experienced “mental fog”, nothing was real, it was like being in a numb/in a completely socially isolated box… I thought I was developing schizophrenia but didn’t make the connection… I switched to Dutasteride for about three months afterwards during which the mental fog turned into full blown pyschosis… During this time I experienced intense/constant pain in penile skin (to the point it was difficult to walk), hardening of the penis, scrotal pain/contraction, decrease in prostatic fluid, vericose veins on the penis, ED/inability to get an erection, blurry vision, confusion, extreme fatigue.”

“I grew extremely ill and slept almost 24 hours a day for two months, I grew breasts, had skin texture changes to a feminine style, my penis started bleeding/became sore and numb, I developed penile fibrosis, lost night-time erections, my scrotum tightened up to the size of an 8 year olds, my face became fatty and wrinkly, prostatic fluid disappeared, developed extreme testicular pain… I am completely conscious and “with it” but all my emotions are completely absent, memory is shot (I don’t remember ANYTHING from the past including my childhood-- photos and old keep-sakes don’t elicit any response from me what-so-ever), my sleep is completely fucked up (I will sometimes stay up for two days straight with no apparent reason or effects), and perhaps the worst part is I CANNOT LOVE OR FEEL LOVED. It is not psychological or situational, but chemical. I look at my mom and dad and feel nothing. I don’t get happy, sad, angry, hungry, scared, frustrated, motivated… nothing. I have no passions for anything, my affect is completely blank. I used to be a social butterfly-- my friends LOVED to hang around me, I was everyone’s best friend, and now I have difficulty hanging out in even comfortable social situations. I have extreme fatigue and peripheral neuropathy (I can’t feel my body properly).

I used to be terrified of dying, care about the world and it’s ills, I was amazing at work-- I now don’t care if I live or die (not depressed, I just don’t care), I don’t “recognize” my parents or loved ones, I don’t care to bathe myself or even watch TV (TV is all about the emotional responses-- drama, or comedy for example). I don’t care about politics because I have no opinions (another emotional response). Without emotions nothing elicits pleasure or pain. NOTHING. The whole world of people runs around doing things like hugging and kissing and laughing and crying which I can no longer relate to. I used to be the EXACT opposite of what I am now-- a over-sensitive loving person.

Dutasteride erased my “soul”. The ONLY positive side of this is that I also don’t feel any negative emotions otherwise I would have already killed myself. I will give it more time but I have no reason to exist if this persists.

LIVING AND LOVING IS ALL ABOUT EMOTION. Without it you have nothing…”

“I’ve been losing weight like crazy and have completely lost my thirst and hunger. The skin on my hands is dry and heals very slowly. I’ve been getting anxiety so bad that I’ve been pacing back and forth (initially for three weeks straight for 24 hours per day with only an hour or two of sleep per day) and currently pacing all day until I pass out. I have completely lost all sexual function after nearly two months of feeling like death with intense burning and stinging sensation in my genitals, testicular pain, scrotal retraction, and perianal bleeding, skin changes, numbness, complete fatigue, you name it. I look at my parents and I don’t even recognize them. It’s like I’m living another persons life. I’ve completely lost all emotions, I can barely see without constantly looking around the room, I cannot interact with people on even the most basic level, my memory and cognitive abilities are shot. I can’t even sit and watch TV (I just can’t even understand it). My family doesn’t believe what is going on and thinks I’ve got Dissociative Anxiety Disorder (anxiety my ***-- but I can understand how he wouldn’t want to believe it, even if he really believes it). I can barely speak in sentences and my IQ has got to be 90 points lower than it was. I’m no longer producing tears, mucus, or saliva. I’ve got gynocomastia and central weight gain. I make spelling mistakes all the time and can barely put sentences together. I’ve lost my livelihood (programming). I’m just taking up space-- the person I was would never want me to live like this.

It makes me feel better that I can just stop eating (hopefully without too much pain) and die. I refuse to live like this. Perhaps I’m luckier than some because I don’t have a choice.

I ignored the symptoms for too long in my drastically altered state of mind with completely idiotic delusions for why I was experiencing so much pain. I so much wish that things could have been different but enough is enough.

I’m no longer human-- I don’t belong here. I’m really hoping this drug kills me so I don’t have to do it myself. I don’t think my family and friends would ever understand a suicide but if they really knew the meaningless ghostly hell I’ve decended into then they would understand.


“I feel weak and lost. I am now a schizophrenic. Everything in my life is broken. I am so ashamed of myself for what I have become. Hell couldn’t be worse than the place I am in right now. I remember a friend saying “suicide is the easy way out, I would at least enlist in the army and go overseas and die fighting”. I would GLADLY enlist, the only problem is that I CANNOT EVEN f*****g FUNCTION!! I would fail the psychiatric test. I don’t deserve this life because I know well that other people have it far worse than me and are able to carry a better attitude. But what got me here? A f*****g vanity pill. There’s no honor in that. I don’t appreciate life anymore.”

“I have spent close to $5,000 seeing doctors and getting meds and supplements to try to reverse my situation. Even the PFS docs are pretty clueless, the others are even worse. Nobody knows WTF is going on. I think its 5AR2 that has been destroyed. Others on this site have differing opinions.... I have been at wits end for a while now. 4 times now I have come close to blowing my brains out… I have 3 suicide notes pre-written, I have text messages to friends and loved ones pre-written, I have a final facebook post pre-written. Honestly at this point I think it is just a matter of time. I am going to try to hang on abit longer because I see that there is some progress being made, but I am not holding out for much at this point… I’ve dislocated my left shoulder twice, been punched in the face more times than I want to admit and been in fights and was a bouncer at one point. Never shed a tear. Since this all has happened particularly after I used finasteride the 2nd time and things got 50X worse, I have spent 3/4 of the days crying at least once… lying in bed thinking about the girl I loved who let me go because of this. And worse: that I did this to myself.

If this is going to be the end of me eventually, I at least want to be remembered for the person I was and not this wretched thing I have become.”

“I took a single 0.25mg dose… Within twenty minutes I had palpitations and breathlessness. My face was very oily. I felt electric shock sensations in my brain, and my muscles twitched uncontrollably. I felt physically disconnected from my genitals. I resolved to not take it again and assumed the reaction would pass. Night sweats began, which lessened but have recently come back. I experienced total insomnia, which has now improved to 4 hours light sleep. I sometimes wake up struggling for breath. A constant strange pressure/weak pain in the back of my head/top of my neck has persisted since. It sometimes fades off but it’s there most of the time.

Two days after, I developed severe mental symptoms, notably cognitive impairment, suicidal depression and physical anxiety, which I have never experienced. I felt what I can only describe as my soul draining away. I lost connection to reality and experienced complete anhedonia, the latter having not improved. I am still cognitively impaired, often struggling to follow conversations. I can’t correctly perceive speed and time. I have always been quite intelligent, but now struggle with tasks like online banking. However I am starting to get times of improved clarity in which I can manage stuff like this a little better. I am unable to continue my work or my life in any normal capacity. I cannot gain pleasure from listening to music (a huge part of my life), watching television, playing games, and no longer read or follow current affairs (previously a bit of an obsession). My ability to have a connection to and enjoyment of life has disappeared. Memories of my life are reduced and my short term memory is extremely poor. Half the time my head feels hung-over and completely devoid of “me” as a person. I cannot feel positive emotion or rewarding feelings, from being hugged to pleasant weather. This is extraordinarily hard to come to terms with and does not vary even in moments in which the depression lifts.”

“I have ed with some varying libido, though it’s trending down. My prostate is extremely painful. There is a near constant burning pain in my penis, which has begun changing appearance and reducing in size with a leftwards bend. Quite hard to endure psychologically. Veins have become prominently visible all over my body. My teeth, fingers and feet are hurting, my jaw has a tremor and my muscles twitch. On GP examination, my right leg reflexes don’t respond at all. I’ve completely lost the sensation of thirst and am reminded regularly to drink. I experience sudden urgency for urination. My digestion has deteriorated severely, barely digested if at all with seemingly more liquid than I am drinking. This is agonising.”

“When everything that makes you yourself - human even - and gives you interest in anything is stripped away, what do you focus on? I feel like I’m an inanimate object. Input hits my brain, but it doesn’t care or isn’t even there to. I intensely loved art, history and culture and now don’t feel any difference between art and a blank wall, or hearing emotive music and the sound of the road outside. This is besides the pain and debilitation of my physical situation.”

“By the time I crashed I had no clue what PFS entailed (I thought by taking it I had a slight risk of erectile dysfunction after prolonged use)... My experience was like having my soul sucked out and acid poured into my brain, and very quickly… When I was crashed, which lasted for months, I was indescribably derealised. I didn’t know who or where I was and suffered constant extreme anxiety. The anxiety has improved greatly though I still experience panic attacks. One of my most threatening symptoms is my autonomic breathing dropping out and that unfortunately still happens, but for shorter durations. My sleep has improved to about 3 hours a night (from zero) but more sleep actually tends to make me worse so I’m not too focused on that. I am now able to pass for normal in short conversations sometimes, like at shops. I could barely navigate the house at first. When I crashed I had bad pain in my teeth that has lessened. I also have burning sensations in my brain stem and the back of my head far less often now. I can go for walks, and I have my ability to process information back, albeit very slowed. I am sometimes able to performatively play certain videogames but sadly I don’t enjoy them as i did. I have a very severe and unwavering anhedonia so I’ve lost my interests. I cannot read fiction anymore, but I can at least listen to music at some points now, which I could not for a very long time. Sexually, I have no libido. I’ve suffered tissue loss in personal areas and experience constant severe pain, so I don’t even know if i have numbness. If i do orgasm I experience symptomatic worsening. I have increased hair loss and my skin is very dry a lot of the time… My general condition isn’t very stable, varying between bad and inoperable with brain fog and fatigue, at which point i just have to lay down and stare at a wall. I still don’t really perceive time right - it’s all been one long day. My memories of my life are extremely limited. I don’t have access to feelings of care for my family or friends, and I haven’t been able to maintain my many previous friendships due to that combined with all my other symptoms. I don’t feel like the same person. I was motivated and passionate, and now I’m empty.”

On the neurological problems:

“I am a danger to go outside, drive a car, go to work, ride a bike etc. … why is this side being over looked?

Here is my description:

"It feels like everything is going to fast, like i am not real, in a dream or something, like my eyes and ears are not connected to my brain, i cant interpret available information in real time.

Its not brain fog, its brain damage and it fucken sucks!"

Please post about your own experiances from finasteride induced brain damage.



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PFS is serious.
You don't want to recognize it exists because you are scared it could happen to you otherwise you agressive like that. It's easier to stick your head in the sand and keep taking that drug. You're pathetic.
Glad you are all balding fucktards, what a waste of hair you would be.


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Two words come to mind after reading this laughable waste of a thread: "baldcel cope".

Absolutely disgusting of you to blame your pre-existing mental illness on a very, very safe drug like Finasteride. You should honestly be banned.

"everyone that does not have the same experience as me has a pre-existing mental illness"


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im on day 4 with zero side effects except for losing less hair in the shower.

Hahaha. Because you think it can be active on your shedding that fast ? Oh boy i see how much you educated yourself on the subject, it makes your opinion totally worthless on anything related to hair.


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Great thread OP. More and more dermatologists are seeing the light too, fina is long term hormone treatment and should be a last resort and not a first option to treat hairloss. View attachment 125218

Who cares about what dermatologists have to say about finasteride? It can still be ordered from pharmacies; I ordered my dutasteride from pharmacies. It's recommendable that users skip going to the dermatologist in regards to hair loss and save themselves time and money, especially if you are from the UK in which the waiting list can become around six months.

Me Vs DiffuseThinning

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Look at the hate OP is getting. Why? Very simple. Hopeless, balding men that WANT to believe that fina is a safe drug. They see it as a personal attack because of their emotional investment in fina or other AA's. Exposing fina and attacking their "only hope" as the poison it is makes them act in the most aggressive ways.

"nah,nah,nah don't wanna hear it, fina is safe" aka, I'm hopeless and think fina is my only option to treat baldness.

50% of people on forums polling to have side effects on fina is dismissed because it does not fit their narrative.

Great thread OP. More and more dermatologists are seeing the light too, fina is long term hormone treatment and should be a last resort and not a first option to treat hairloss.

Well done OP, well done.

View attachment 125218
Nah. I do believe there are legit side effects. I just don't believe popping one finasteride pill will cause depression, sexual dysfunction, nightmares, changing bone structure, cancer.

Me Vs DiffuseThinning

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For 90% not but it's a strange syndrome. For me it took a while to notice the harder side effects.

But I had ball ache for the first weeks I took fina. That went away though, but it should've been a sign I should quit... sadly I didn't.

Anyway, I'm certain some people could be affected by minimal exposure to fina but in the long term I think most men will get side effects. Just a matter of time.

Let's hope there is some f*****g alternative to finasteride in the next 10 years or so. I'm 26 years old, so there is still hope that I don't have to be on finasteride or dutasteride for the rest of my life.