Post hair transplant medication/treatment?


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ok guys so I got for my hair transplant in about 2 weeks, It's a mix of excitement and nervous right now! I'm wondering can anyone point me to the necessary post op medication? Do I really need to go on finasteride/propecia or can I stick with minoxidil or something else?? I'm 23 years old.


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you should really have tried treatment b4 you went ahead with a transplant since you are only 23. minoxidil should help grow out the grafts but I'm not sure about propecia as a "post op med".


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Just repeating Swaggins' comment. DO NOT get that hair transplant! You have to stabilise your hair loss before doing a transplant.
Get on finasteride and minoxidil and wait for a year. If you feel it has stabilised and/or not regrown enough, then you can consider a hair transplant.
Depending on how bad your hair is, there is a chance that you don't need to opt for a hair transplant.

BTW, if your doctor is willing to do a hair transplant on a 23 year without demanding you to be on meds, he is most likely a crappy doctor. Who is your doctor?