Post Op + 10 years after video(filler...filler words)


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Rooney should just get a hair system, fck his transplant sucked.
Isn't the bigger picture that the donor area destination(top of the scalp) is screwed up by something?

These back of the scalp follicles were doing just fine and then we relocate them to an area of known microcirculation problems. Did the once robust transplanted hair follicles adapt to the oxygen starved environment by upregulating androgen sensitivity?


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He could have had too much miniaturization in the donor area. It would also appear that he wasn't on any preventative pharmacology, so he lost a significant amount of native hair around what was transplanted.


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He could have had too much miniaturization in the donor area. It would also appear that he wasn't on any preventative pharmacology, so he lost a significant amount of native hair around what was transplanted.

You are saying then the hair follicles that did survive were the ones from the back of the scalp? Possible...never thought of it that way.

I will look for some more long term hair transplants +10 years outcome where the top of the scalp was completely bald prior.


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You are saying then the hair follicles that did survive were the ones from the back of the scalp? Possible...never thought of it that way.

I will look for some more long term hair transplants +10 years outcome where the top of the scalp was completely bald prior.
Essentially, yes. Typically the donor hair won't miniaturize if it's taken out of the safe donor zone. There are caveats to this, because even in a non-balding scalp up to 20% of the hair in your safe zone can be miniaturized or miniaturizing. If the hair transplant surgeon messes up and transplants miniaturizing hair, then yeah, that's not going to be permanent. Most experienced surgeons will see that though, and will not transplant said hair.

To me it looks like he just wasn't on any preventative pharmacology and his native hair just miniaturized. Either that or his balding was so aggressive that whatever regimen he was on wasn't strong enough to prevent further loss.


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Isn't the bigger picture that the donor area destination(top of the scalp) is screwed up by something?

These back of the scalp follicles were doing just fine and then we relocate them to an area of known microcirculation problems. Did the once robust transplanted hair follicles adapt to the oxygen starved environment by upregulating androgen sensitivity?
Guy looked 40 at 17 years old, was never a good candidate.