Post Op Hat wearing


Established Member
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Hello all

I am getting my first hair transplant in 1 month (Dec 6). I plan to hide out for about a week, but after that, can you wear loser hats to cover your head? Does this affect the surgery results? It is a few weeks before Christmas so I was assuming I would be wearing a hat when I see my family, but not if it will affect the results.

FYI I am getting around 2500 grafts, strip surgery.



Senior Member
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Hello all

I am getting my first hair transplant in 1 month (Dec 6). I plan to hide out for about a week, but after that, can you wear loser hats to cover your head? Does this affect the surgery results? It is a few weeks before Christmas so I was assuming I would be wearing a hat when I see my family, but not if it will affect the results.

FYI I am getting around 2500 grafts, strip surgery.


So how much is that setting you back??? I got $9600 for 2500 FUE from Rahal as a quote...

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So how much is that setting you back??? I got $9600 for 2500 FUE from Rahal as a quote...

Nope..I was wrong...I screwed up bigtime, I thought it was for FUE but it is for FUT and it is $10, 100 for 2500 grafts


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I had my FUT on thursday and have been holed up in my hotel since then. I bought a ton of groceries and have caught up on work emails and netflix. Been kind of relaxing actually. I get the staples out tomorrow and then the sutures out next week. It's such a tease right now. The top of my head looks like I have such a nice buzz cut. Sadly they will all fall out in the upcoming weeks, but I am enjoying them now.