Post Op Time till gym??


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I've done some searches and I've read anywhere from 1 to 3 months is the time to wait before going back to the gym to lift heavy. The post-op instructions from the clinic listed just 1 week post-op before lifting heavy. Could you guys give me some input on what you know/have heard? I'd like to get back to things in 2.5 weeks if it won't harm anything. Thanks!


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Post hair transplant, the first week is when most of the repairing is done after which you can generally treat the scalp fairly normally; that said, inflamation and I would expect raised chance of infection can last for months (though will be rare). Also, the donor area (if you had strip) will be inflamed and even numb / sensitive for months post op, and the stitches may even be there for a couple of weeks.

Ask your surgeon or clinic who performed the treatment and follow the advice they give above all else, but personally I would take things fairly easy for about a month just to give your investment the very best chance.


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I'd avoid doing squats for longer as this exercise pulls on the back of the scalp.


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Sorry, i meant to say it was a FUE procedure, so no donor scar to worry about. Still wait a month?


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Thanks all - I guess I should just be patient and wait a month before doing anything.