Post- Propecia Crash & Persistent Side Effects - How Long?


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I was on finasteride for about 1.5 years. Quit 10 days ago and I feel worse than when I was on it. When can I expect to feel normal again? I've heard a lot of people say it took a few months. Anything I can do to recover faster? I stopped taking zinc and am working out....thinking of taking nitric oxide or possibly a prohormone.


Experienced Member
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how do you feel? I dropped finasteride like for a week but didn't notice any difference..hope you get better soon..


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Not a good sign if you're getting worse coming off it. I don't know the exact cause, but my guess it's like a diabetic shock. Instead of beomcing resistant to insulin, you beome resistent to androgens. Possibly your receptors are saturated. Zinc is a 5ar inhibior, so it's best to use it for the next few months to avoid receptor saturation as best you can. Best of luck Donate to the if you don't get better.
Have you seen any in vivo studies that say that zinc inhibits 5ar? It seems impossible even on the molecular levels, but alright. Here's a study saying both:
DHT levels returning aren't so sudden after quitting the drug. I doubt you can see the effect you're describing. DHT slowly returns to normal after like a week. And why wouldn't the receptors again upregulate themselves, if the androgen levels are normal again? You can also cure type II diabetes, if you lower the intake of fatty and sugar-rich food -- the tissues start to need the substances again and express it with the upregulation of GLUT4.
If that's the best theory you've got, I'm happy to say the people quitting finasteride are mostly fine.


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I literally have ED right now. Only time I experienced this was the first day after starting finasteride. This is seriously ****ed. Someone help.

Quantum Cat

Senior Member
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the more you fret over it, the less likely you are to get a boner. Try and put it out of your mind completely.

why did you quit finasteride after 1.5 years?


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I'm going to start taking zinc again to block estrogen. Going to get my bloodwork done hopefully soon.

I quit finasteride because of the mental side effects (OCDish anxiety) which resulted from sexual sides effects. I also feel like the sexual sides got worse over time. I couldn't handle all of it.