Post Whole Brain Radiation Treatment And Hair Transplant - No Hair Regrowth


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Almost three years ago, I lost my hair during a chemo regimen to treat my lung cancer (never smoked a day in my life). I had a hair transplant a few months after I finished my chemo treatments. My hair started to grow back, and I passed the stage that the transplanted hair can be considered my own. Almost a year later I was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer to the brain. Whole brain radiation treatments led to losing my hair again almost a year after I had a hair transplant courtesy of Bosley.

Roughly eight months after the whole brain radiation treatment ended, my hair started to grow back rapidly...almost. The hair that was transplanted hasn't really grown back. For these past eight months, these areas are still mostly bare. They didn't grow back like my original hair. The post transplant areas are occupied by baby hair at best, nothing at worst.

It was my understanding that I was passed the time after the procedure during which the transplanted hair was "mine" and would remain so. Is the slow-down/seemingly stoppage of growth after eight months of the start of hair regrowth a bad sign? Is there still hope? My dermatologist says there is hair in this areas which is obviously positive, but he can't explain why it seems to have stopped while my original hair continues to grow.

Any and all insights are appreciated.

Christopher Hannah

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I am very sorry to know about your cancer treatment and hair loss. My father is suffering from lung cancer and taking treatment from Best radiation therapy New York . After their treatment they have lost all their hair due to the radiation side effect
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