Postmortem growth of Hair and Nails


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George Milbry Gould, Walter Lytle Pyle.Ambos M.D.
Postmortem growth of Hair and nails.
The hair and beard may grow after death, and even change color. Bartholinus recalls a case of a man who had short, black hair and beard at the time of interment, but how, some time after death, was found to possess long and yellowish hair. Aristotle discusses postmortem growth of the hair, and Gramanus cites an instance in which beard and hair were cut several times from the cadaver. We occasionally see evidences of this in the dissecting-rooms. Cadwell mentions a body buried four years, the hair from which protruded at the points where the joints of the coffin had given away. The hair of the head measured 18 inches, that of the beard eight inches, and that on the breast from four to six inches. Rosse of Washington mentions an instance in which after burial the hair turned from dark brown to red, and also cites a case in a Washington cemetery of a girl, twelve or thirteen years old, who when exhumed was found to have a new growth of the hair all over turning gray after the death.

Dear friends;
How explain actual science these facts?



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I just read an article about this although I already knew: The hair and nails do not grow after death but after the body dehydrates the skin and scalp retract somewhat causing an illusion that the hair and nails have grown. This is well known scientifically so I'm not sure why George Milbry Gould and Walter Lytle Pyle.Ambos M.D. aren't aware of it.

Not sure about the change in color although I'm sure there's a simple explanation for that as well.


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Both doctors were aware of the dehidration of the corpse but, clearly, it don't explain 18 inches of hair growth,

OTOH Modern science assert that a new hair cycle is necessary to modify hair colour. Intrigant ;)



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armandein said:
Both doctors were aware of the dehidration of the corpse but, clearly, it don't explain 18 inches of hair growth,

OTOH Modern science assert that a new hair cycle is necessary to modify hair colour. Intrigant ;)


I didn't realize it was saying the hair grew 18 inches. I read it rather quickly and probably didn't absorb half of it. Sorry! I tend to do that early in the morning.

That is odd.