Potential hair transplant, Seeking Advice


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I'm 26 years old living in the UK and have been noticeably thinning since I was around 20. I've been using Minoxidil twice a day for around 2.5 years and Nizoral several times a week. I tried finasteride around 1 year ago but unfortunately I'm part of the 2% so had to stop using it.

Despite all of this it looks like I'm fighting a losing battle so I've been researching hair transplants recently. Before I get some consultations done I was hoping that I could get some feedback from you guys regarding my suitability etc.

I've attached pictures below. I would like to get FUE done to restore my hairline as best possible. One of the main concerns that I have is that my hair has always been very thin and I know a lot of surgeons don't like working with hair like this.

I'm also wondering if the hair slightly back from my hairline is thin enough to get work done on.

I'd also appreciate any other feedback you guys might think is relevant.



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The problem is without finasteride theres nothing to stop your hairloss from continueing after the hair transplant, which would leave you with a hair transplant'd hairline and nothing behind it.


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Thanks for the responses guys. Its not what I wanted to hear but in the back of my mind I guess its what I suspected.

I'm tempted to try finasteride again. Despite hearing few good things about them I was thinking about possibly going to a hair loss centre such as Belgravia as I assume they'll be able to monitor the side affects.

Anyway, back to the research I guess...


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Belgravia centre will just flog you the big 3 at a vastly increased price, and they wont give a toss wether you get either sides or results. Their only concern will be getting as much £££ out of you as possible.