Pre-transplant Dietary Requirements


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Apologies if this has been discussed.
Leading up to the big day, I feel rather confused about the best way to approach dietary needs.
I was instructed to come off any Minoxidil or vitamins tablets that will thin
the blood prior to operation, but continue with DHT blockers.

My general diet consists of avocado/berries/spinach/salmon/olive oil/low GI carbs (oats mainly). I always thought this was the best way to assist healthy living. However, these anti-inflammatory foods seem to be also known as natural blood thinners which should be avoided before surgery???
I'm a little confused as to how to approach this. Any views?
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Great question. In the medical field we occasionally use wound care nutritional supplements like Juven with collagen L-Glutamine, L-Arginine. I'm generally supportive, although evidence is lacking and there's a lot of marketing wank to justify high prices. There is also a lot of discussion on ERAS protocol, meaning enhanced recovery after surgery. Preoperative it means carb loading with gatorade. Post operative, It's high quality protein which it sounds like you have covered.