Pregnancy Woes


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I am one of the 40 to 50% of women affected by the excessive shredding of hair during pregnancy. I know this is common but I'm kinda worried that my hair won't grow back :(


Established Member
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I am one of the 40 to 50% of women affected by the excessive shredding of hair during pregnancy. I know this is common but I'm kinda worried that my hair won't grow back :(

Hi, I think you'll be fine :) hair fall during pregnancy is due to hormonal changes, and the situation will stabilise once your levels go back to normal. Don't worry and congratulations !


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I think Parisienne's right. After baby's birthday, you can probably expect to experience approximately a 6 -12 month rebound period.
In the meantime get proper rest and nutrition (if you can) and enjoy your amazing maternal journey
while you insist that your hair loss woes will have to wait for baby.
Congratulations and best wishes. :)


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Yes, its quite normal to have a minimal hair loss during pregnancy but it should be back to normal after 3 months of giving birth. Just in case , it becomes significant , If I remember it right, my mom's advice there is to consult a doctor or a health provider because it could be a sign of mineral or vitamin deficiency.


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get your vitamins checked

generally pregnancy is known to keep your hair thick and healthy...
this may be due to a nutritional deficiency ..
do get your iron checked...