Preliminary CB-03-01 questions


Established Member
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Just curious, when (and if) this stuff is released is it supposed to be a topical or a pill?

Also, if it is approved will it be over the counter or prescription?


Senior Member
My Regimen
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topical. It would be a castration simulator if taken orally since it blocks all types of androgens, including testosterone

Donny J

Established Member
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yep..rather than a DHT-inhibitor, it will behave as a DHT-blocker. Essentially, blocking the DHT from affecting your hair follicles, rather than preventing the DHT from being created to begin with. That's why everyone has such high hopes for the drug, since it won't affect your hormone levels in any way, and therefore (hypothetically) shouldn't exert any sides, so long as it doesn't go systemic and only penetrates deep enough to get to your follicle roots.


Experienced Member
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i think they are wrapping up or involved in phase II trials now. assuming they continue to go forward, maybe it will be on the market in 2-5 years. itd probably be presciption