Hi, I am a 17 year old boy with no family history of balding becides one uncle who started thinning at 40. I have always had a "high forhead" but im pretty sure my hairline is going and im losing a very large amount of hair a day (like 100-300). My scalp itself is also VERY painful and itchy with very harge amounds of scab like things and dead skin falling out and i have tryed both perscribed and over the counter shampoo to fix it. I have been to a derm for this and they are not sure whats going on and are going to take a sample in like a month. But back to the hair, almost every strand has big white things on the root. Here are some pics. Thanks for any responces.
1st ,5 months ago
2nd, 4 months
3rd, 2 months
Rest, today
1st ,5 months ago
2nd, 4 months
3rd, 2 months
Rest, today