Prevent/minimize Shock Loss After Fue Hair Transplant


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I will try to give as much information as possible :)

I have a FUE hair transplant scheduled in about 2 weeks.
Number of grafts: ~2700
Days: 2 days - First for the front, last for the front and a little on the crown. The doctor told me he will not touch the bridge between the front and the crown.

Hair loss history
It's all started when I was 20-28. Now I'm almost 28 with a diffused/thinning top. I've had never been on meds. Being more a diffuser than a receder I still have my hairline (it's a normal hairline for somebody aproaching 30 - in terms of placement).

I still have hair on top but it's quite thin. Also, I've never had thick hair but still, it's thinner than my previous thinning hair :))

My expectations
I do not wish to have a lower hairline or be 18 again. I always wear my hair very short so I just want to add more density to it so it looks ok very short, that's all.

My concern
Reading a lot of things about hair transplants I've came across the problem of shock loss in diffuse thinners. I'm more concerned of the permanent type of shock loss, not the temporary one. Having a thin top, it's just normal to assume that I have many hairs that are more vulnerable to this kind of shock loss (miniaturised, dying, etc ).

My questions
- What can I do to prevent it or at least minimize the risk?
- Will Minoxidil ( 12 days prior the surgery ) help with this?
- Will meds ( after surgery ) help me with this problem?


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I ate a lot of raw pastured soy free eggs during my healing process. When the body experiences inflammation cholesterol is produced in order to help reduce it. This is why an inflamed circulatory system will often have higher levels of cholesterol. Eggs are also very high in glutathione the master anti oxidant but they have to be eaten raw. It’s the same reason that whey protein which is often recommended is complete crap. It’s been heated and denatured while often coming from sources that are not ideal to begin with. Raw whey is an exception so if you can get some pastured raw whey from a local farmer that might be helpful.

These are examples of my own experience. You would need to take personal responsibility for your own choices and the affect it has on your healing process.


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besides finasteride, nothing.

Surgeon skill and graft handling will determine a lot.