Pro (doh censored) cerin?

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Hey, good evening gents. Long time lurker, first time poster.

Background information - 24, and no idea what norwood I am. However hairloss has been plaguing me for about 6-7 years now - until this year it was only evident in the crown, but now I have a fairly agressive receding hairline and diffuse thinning across the entire scalp. Essentially, you can tell that I'm balding at first glance (thank god hats look good on me!) I've been on and off rogaine for the past couple years, and I was also on a herbal pill known as Pro cerin - which came as highly recommended from several other websites. This seemed to work for me, but I did not exactly take good records and don't pay all that much attention to my hair. I mean, i care about it - but I'm afraid to look too closely in the mirror. So you guess you could say I'm one of those "maybe if i don't pay attention to it it will go away" kind of guys.

Sadly, that's not a good strategy for hairloss.

I found this site about two months ago and noticed the recommendations on the "Big 3." So I went to a dermatologist and got Propecia, and have also restocked on rogaine foam. Also got some Nizoral. So I'm all set, and have been taking Propeciafor almost the last two months. I also discovered that my method of applying rogaine basically did not let it set in (so it wasn't doing me any good for the past six months I've been using it), so now I am sure to let it dry naturally. For a while I was fine... and now I am going through a MASSIVE MASSIVE shed (applying rogaine to temples and crown of head). It's quite disheartening. I would just shave it off but my g/f won't let me.

My question is... I stopped taking Pro cerin when I started taking Propecia. Is that cause for the shed? Or is this a natural side effect of the Rogaine finally taking hold? How long does this last? Thanks guys!

EDIT: ............

Judging from the fact that Procerin got censored... was I stupid to take it for so long?


We pretty much don't put up with mention of this product anymore due to a general disgust with how the people representing the product have conducted themselves in our presence over the years. Most recent event being that one of their affiliates stole photos of one of our members from here on our site, and put it on their site, claiming the results were from Pro cerin instead of Rogaine/Propecia.

We are on your side. They are not. If we go to the extreme of banning something, there's always a good reason.
