

New Member
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i am using minoxidil for about 9 months , and using finasteride about 2 months, now can i stop using minoxidil,and only take finasteride 1 mg , but i have s regainged some extremely thin hair using minoxidil but process is extremely slow, and i didnt have any problem of shedding while using minoxidil now i am trying both finasteride and minoxidil , now ihave problem of shedding, iam 20 years old now my hair has still nice shape , , i want to maintain my hairs ,to prevent shedding what should i do,the problem is im losing some hair at the corners,like v shape? please advise me , and how much time it would require to regain hair, i have also consulted my doctor , he told me your regrowth is normal and will improve in next 6 months


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I personally recommend that you do NOT. Fighting hair loss isn't just about taking 1 pill a day. To stop it succesfull you should be fighting it from multiple angles. Most people that succesfully fight hairloss take a wide range of treatments to win. E.g a combination of , Finasteride, minoxidil, Nizoral and Tricomin.

If you want to keep your hair as i guess you do, Don't risk just taking 1 type of medication to fight hairloss.


Senior Member
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Fighting hairloss is about whatever you want it to be about. For me, fighting hairloss is about taking 1 pill a day.


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Fighting hair loss was about taking 1 pill a day, for me too. Propecia works great for guys who are trying to maintain their hair. I went three years using Propecia and Nizoral alone. For those who are trying to maintain, I strongly encourage not using the kitchen sink approach because you're going to use up all your options up front.

Pace yourself.

However this isn't the topic of this fellows thread. He was wondering if he can drop minoxidil now that he's on Propecia. The answer unfortunately is no. Anything you start with, you must continue with indefinitely (another argument in favor of the minimalist approach). Hairs that have responded to minoxidil are reliant upon minoxidil to stick around. Propecia may further help them, but in theory, you will lose any minoxidil gains if you stop using minoxidil - even if you go on Propecia.

Propecia may come in, take over the world, and make everything better after a year or two, but that will take a year or two.

Another reason you don't want to continually add and take away from your regimen. Try to do your research up front, decide on a solid plan that you will stick to for at least 1 year without changing, and go for it!