Procede cause my hair to fall out


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I am 41 yo and have a thinning front hairline. I had a fair amount of hair at the front. I got Procede, and saw it was for the crown. Called to send it back, but Procede told me it fine to use it at the front.

So I used it and about a third of the hair I had at the front fell out. Called Procede, and now they tell that it will cause damaged unhealthy to "break off at the scalp". They told not to worry that it will grow back thicker and healthier then ever.

My main question is will it grow back? Second question, how do I make myself look presentable in public for the next 2 or 3 months. My appearance is drastically changed from 2 days ago. Geuss I'll wear hat for a long while!


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I was happy with how Proscar worked. Geuss i got greedy, thinking I could get my hair "thicker" by using Procede.

The Gardener

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I'm not sure that I agree that it is a "scam". While I doubt that scalp peels would provide any sort of solid haircount increase, I do think that the claims of an increase in hair diameter might not be so off base. I wouldn't recommend Procede, there are far better forms of scalp peel out on the market, such as Retin A, that also have extracurricular benefits in fighting hairloss... but even Retin A is best when paired with the more traditional tools such as finasteride and minoxidil.


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Shaving would be an extreme option. i have thought about a buzz cut, or at least a real short cut. I had just gotten to where I was comfortable with my front hair line, and I did this! Geuss I was greedy, hoping for better. I learned from this experience to be happy with what you got. Hope it grows back. Been hoping to hear someone post from experience that it will grow back, hasn't anyone else used this stuff?

The Gardener

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Well, if the hair was lost due to exposure to a mild acid then I see no reason why it should not grow back.


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only help i can offer,read a review,guy said his hair turned wooley after procede,hair fell out,but will grow back,also extreme pain

The Gardener

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Far Too Young said:
There are studies that claim Procede causes irreversable thinning. Research your $#iT, man.

Not sure if that snotty comment was directed at me or not, but if so, my statement said that "if the hair was lost due to exposure to a mild acid then I see no reason why it should not grow back."

If there is some other component in Procede that caused the irreversible hairloss, then my comment was not addressing that.

My comment was partially in reference to some other posts saying that there are chemicals in Procede that also are found in Nair, the popular body hair removal product that has a mild acid in it. Now, when one uses Nair, does not the hair grow back?

That's ALL I was saying... and I don't think that "my sh*t needs to be researched" to make this claim. Please pay close attention to people's wording before misreading things into what they are saying.

Far Too Young

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I was just kidding around. It was more an observation of how much research we put into these different treatments to no end. Also, I recalled a study that said it caused thinning. And it does, almost immediately. It contains the active chemicals of Nair that causes weaker hairs to fall out immediately. These same hairs eventually grow back in the same condition (or worse), giving the appearance of regrowth when in reality there has been absolutely no regrowth. It simply appears as such. It's not irreversible thinning, but it's damned close, and if you've got a thinning scalp using this won't help you out. I should have explicated that the continued use of procede would cause irreversible thinning due to the progression of male pattern baldness.

My bad Gardener, that was more sarchasm than anything. You're pretty active on the forum, and I've seen that. You research your sh*t.

I figure the forum's big enough for the both of us. ... ype=search

A truce?

The Gardener

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No... my bad.

My Cowboys' loss last night, the heavy drinking late night I had last night, and watching the football games today have me in a bad mood. Sorry for being so jumpy and oversensitive.

Far Too Young

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Gardener, I'm an old Dallas boy. I think we spent last evening in the same exact state. Almost kicked in my friends new HD over the fumbled field goal.


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I compared the ingredients of Procede and Nair and could find no common ingredients. Also, I did research Procede before I used it. Do a search on this site and you won't find anything real bad about Procede until my post. The worse thing I found about Procede was it was a scam.

No worse than you hear about any other hair loss product. But I have learn from this site to only use proven treatments, mainly the one approved by FDA : Propecia, Rogaine, Tricomin etc...


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So it's been 8 days since I used Procede. I can feel, and see, hair sprouting out from my scalp. It's about 1/8 to 1/4 inch long. So some, hopefully all, of my hair is growing back.

I went to see the physician at the local hair restoration clinic. He said he had heard of similar incidents. Said normally the hair grows back as before. He looked at my hair with a magnifing device that displayed on a computer monitor. He said it appeared the hair had "broke off" at the scalp. Said only time will tell, but thought it should all grow back okay.

The clinic had a hair tech/stylist. She helped me figure out had to style my hair to hide the damage I had cause. She also had seen this happen before. She desribed it as "the product burns or melt the hair shaft, breaking the hair off". She said normally it grows back the same as before.

So, things appear to be encouraging. I will post my progress in a week or two.


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I just saw a commercia for procede. It is getting promoted a lot. More than propecia, and on TV. Hopefully it is not a scam, since so many people will probably believe the commercial.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
I just saw a commercia for procede. It is getting promoted a lot. More than propecia, and on TV. Hopefully it is not a scam, since so many people will probably believe the commercial.
Hopefully it is a scam......the more bald guys who aren't me, the better!


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I thougth it was a concealer too. That was the main reason I wanted to use it. But after getting the product and talking to Procede on the phone I'm not sure what it is suppose to be. They claim it gets into the hair shaft and cleanses the shaft so that the hair will be able to grow healthier, at least two people on the phone told me that. Best I can tell you is to visit their web site or call them at 1-800-680-7098.

I can tell you from experience it is not a concealer. It is two different lotions, both white in appearance. You apply #1 to your scalp and leave it on for an hour and then rinse. Then apply #2 to the scalp and leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse off.

You are supposed to keep the product off your hair as much as possible, it is designed to work on the scalp. So, if you have some hair to begin with, it is impossible to keep it off you hair. I called Procede to discuss this. They said it would be okay for th eproduct to contact the hair, try to limited the contact as much as I could.