eric M

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MY PROCEDE HORROR STORY— I order the 90 day trial, did the test and no allergic reaction. So I went ahead and used on the area where I wished to thicken hair. Followed instructions exactly….IT HAS RUINED MY HAIR. After a month, my hair is still damaged and I have lost much in that area. Remaining hair looks fryed.


Im sure your all aware of the 90 day free trial right???? Well after what happened to my hair, of course, I sent back the product, along with everything else and a letter expressing my grief with their product.


A week after returning their product, I get billed for first installment of $100.00. YUP, thats right. They charged me!! Not even after 90 days, about 3 weeks after receiving their product. So I called them and asked, whats the deal and why did you charge me?? The lady at first said because, I didn’t return the product. HMMM I asked then why did you charge me after 3 weeks??? She told me to hold on and then comes back to tell me, I just returned the shampoo. WOW After arguing with her for 10 minutes, I then talked to a supervisor who said ok we will credit your account, but it will take 30 days to show up.


After 30 days, what did I get??? My credit??? NOPE!!!! Another charge!!! Now I paid them in full to ruin my hair. Well of course I disputed the first charge with AMEX and just got done disputing the second charge. AMEX also informed me that Procede stated they never receive any merchandise from me. Im working with AMEX now, luckily I kept my shipping receipt to prove I sent something back to Procede. We will see what happens.


Let me know any website, blog, consumer complait group, TV or Radio show you know of where I can post my experience, so I can help protect others from this MORALLY DEPRAVED company and their HARMFUL PRODUCT. I’ve been aggressively posting and writing letters of my appalling episode with these con artists to everyone I can think of, including Radio and TV shows.

Tomorrow I will begin filing in small claims court, but my main goal here is to make public the PROCEDE SCAM.

I hope my posting will save someone else’s hair and wallet. Good Luck!!!


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what is the procede scam an intenal medicine or topical and what does it consist off ,if it is a topical it seems very exspensive.
Your right to take these people to court,people who make money off other peoples sufferin are total scum and have no concept of bad karma.


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eric, thank you for posting your story. I have no doubt that it will help others who would have made the same mistake.


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that stuff is so obviously a scam I can't believe that people buy into it. The ads etc. scream SCAMM!!!


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Re: Procede

Well I got scammed!

I spent $500 on the stuff for a years supply. Dont ask me why, i guess cause i bought into the hype.

I did the allergy arm test with the first bottle, and after 30 mins i washed it off and lo and behold all the hair fell out of my arm in the area i applied it to.


Good thing i didnt put that on my head!

I did try the shampoo which actually works pretty good, and the ingredients look good. My scalp felt really clean afterwards. It seems to do a good job and remove any sebum buildup.

I am going to call them tomorrow and get a refund.


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yeah thats some bull. It just goes to show how many people want some natural cure and dont wanna take crap like propecia or rogain even though we know those work


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I just saw the comerical for this stuff and they sell it for $19.99 why did some of you pay so much, this seems like one of those companies who get bad press and for a good reason and lay low for awhile then market it again a year or so later. How can they get away with this, isn't there a consumer group or someone that can make them liable for these false claims or does no one care.I guess these consumer groups do not have the manpower to police this type of scam? SUCKS that someone is on a beach somewhere drinking an umbrella drink with our hard earned money no to mention their not only doesn't work but does damage to their scalp. What a country!!


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Sorry to hear about Eric's bad experience w/ Procede. I always wanted to give it a go - or perhaps a more generic scalp peel along the same lines as Procede - just never got around to it.

There's a humongous thread at another place where guys are actually claiming success w/ Procede. The first few days were rough - which everyone expected. But then their hair thickened up.

Eric's is really the first really bad horror story I've heard on this product.

I'm just going to stick w/my 2x weekly application of retin-a. It's weak as far as scalp peels go - but better than nothing.