Process of Acceptance.


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Damn. For a few months now, I had kind of 'accepted' my hair loss. I cant remember how long for exactly, but it was like it had gone out of my mind. Sure, hair loss has changed the way I look at things, my confidence and self esteem in the long run - but I felt that I was still starting to be able to be happy with it, and accept it as a natural process.

Anyway, pulling my fringe back, I can see the recession has been quite dramatic. Ill try and describe best I can. Basically initially, it was just temple recession. Now it looks like the recession is starting to spike upwards into my front..yikes. It is only early days still, but I know its creeping on. Just when you thought you had 'accepted' it, it gets worse. And your kind of thrown back to square one.

To be honest, I reckon the hardest part of hair loss are the first few years. I think when people begin to accept, they do start to accept. Obvoiusly, physically, things will get worse, but in the long run, once you mentally take that step, it becomes more constant and you no longer feel like sh*t im losing my hair - its just a standard process. I think you become used to it.

I dont know. Perhaps mentally I will still have many bad days ahead of me. But I do feel now that I have reached an initial stage of acceptance. I know I am losing my hair, it doesnt shock me or reallydepress me as much. But now, the main fear is how much or how radically it will alter my looks in the next few years.

I dont care if im not a pretty boy or really good looking, I just want to keep some self esteem, look at least moderate, and hopefully with good confidence I should still do ok with the ladies.

I have always always said its about damage limitation. hair loss is an irreversable thing that cant be stopped. Sure, you can use treatments that may temporarliy slow it down for a few years, but fundementally, the only way you become happier is to accept it, and eventually thats what you have to do. So to all of you that are putting it of with treatments, I say just wake up one day and go with it, its the quickest and easiest solution to your troubles. Just like everything in life - Im not saying striving for a better life is bad - im just saying you have to accept certian things in life that cant really be changed.

For now Im just going to concentrate on diet, wholegrains and vegatables, keeping a lean toned look. Exercising, and making sure I look as fresh as possible, wearing decent clothes. If HM does ever come out and really become useful then OK, I will
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Unfortunately, you are absolutely right and I concur completely. Eventually people who are in the process of losing must eventually concede to hairloss and accept it; but like you alluded to earlier, it's like you hair gets to a point where you can deal with it, then *POOF*, it changes again, and you are right back at square one....I think although I think I am currently using maladaptive coping skills, I am OKAY with my hair somewhat, but the first shed that I noticed had me devastated; I adapted to it, but I loathe the thought of going through something like that again anytime soon, so I cling to these friggin' lackluster Txs that seem to only slow the progression of what's going on.

Ultimately, I do think that acceptance is the best way and healthiest way of dealing with it, but the progressive nature of hairloss precludes me from adopting this coping mechanism and I believe that is the dilemma for others as well.

Good point.


Experienced Member
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Well i've been trying hit acceptance a few years now, i never reached the point of a true acceptance, i most say : i dont think i will ever get there, even when ill be a complete baldie ill still wake up every mornning looking at the mirror and looking at myself with a head full of hair, i think it has to do with perfectionists personality doesnt "allow" me to be anything less then i "truely can" although in this case i know i cant do anything about it - still theres some sort of self blame as if i lost something becasue i did something wrong.... if that makes any sense :dunno:


Senior Member
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Smooth you dont believe that signature link do you?


Established Member
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I'm not sure if I've fully accepted baldness yet, even though I shaved my dome slick as a whistle a few months back. In a way I'm fine with it, but if I could snap my fingers and have a full head of hair again, I'd do it in a second.