procyandin B-2


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theres a few threads on it. have a look in the experimental treatments


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Giving it a whirl now... to early to tell results!

Keep you posted.


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I'm noticed a significant reduction in shedding these past few days. I've been on this for 2 1/2 weeks and I'm not sure if that is long enough to reduce sheddding or if this is just temporary. Also, I'm not even sure that a reduction in shedding makes since as usually it increases at first when using an effective product.

Anyways, just letting u know.


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That's a great sign my friend!

I have not noticed any measurable decrease in my "horrific" shedding.

LoL, you notice how I always use these sensationalized words to describe my shedding? That's not for show, that's to try and convey the seriousness of the situation.

Anyhow, I've been taking the caps for about 14 days with about 3 sprays per day (thought I have missed a day spraying).

My hair is far to long to make the spray of any use so I will need to resort to the dropper. But even the dropper will be a tedious task at best because of the length of my hair.

This stuff really needs the Rogaine Foam technology.

Btw, I am thinking of upping my dosage to 3 capsules per day rather than 2.


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Until recently my shedding has been pretty bad too although I don't know if I would call if horrific. But if I grab a clump of hair and pull on it lightly, I would usually end up with 3-5 hairs in my and. These past few days its been 0-1. I'm not ready to say its the apple juice yet though, i need to see some regrowth in my temple region. When I was on propecia it took about 2 months before I started seeing growth in the temple region, so I'm hopeing it will be similar with this.

I really can't see how taking more than the recommended dose would be terribly helpful, but it doesn't hurt to try (except the finances).

Don't you know your suppose to have short hair when you're losing it!! It was the shedding that first made me cut mine short, because I had really long hair when I first noticed I was thinning and people would comment on my hairs all over the place (there were bleached too which didn't help).

If this stuff works u should get some people together, raise capital, and make the foam stuff and sell it. I bet there is a lot of money in it. Somebody on these threads was looking for a business partner to come up with something, but they were talking about making some kind of multivitamin crap that is all too common and never works.

I only use the spray once a day before I go to bed. As soon as I know this stuff works, I'm going to drop the topical and see if the pills work on their own.