Product combination question ?


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I'm using Rogain & Propicia at the moment. I heard that Procerin is also a good product, is this true ?

I also heard that Nizoral shampoo is a good product, is this true ?

And, would it be ok to use all 4 products simultaneously, without one negating the other ? or can some type of medical problem occur if I use all 4 simultaneously ?

I'm new at this and would greatly appreciate any advice / tips ?

Are there online resources where I can get a good deal on the products ?

Thank You




Senior Member
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I heard that Procerin is also a good product, is this true ?

No. => Procerin <= (click)

I also heard that Nizoral shampoo is a good product, is this true ?

Yes. Not much for treating hairloss but for controlling irritations (from Rogaine).

And, would it be ok to use all 4 products simultaneously, without one negating the other ? or can some type of medical problem occur if I use all 4 simultaneously ?

No. You can use Procerin simultaneously with virtually all products since it is likely not to have an effect on anything (except your money) :wink:
Rogaine+Propecia+Nizoral ( =: BIG 3) would even have synergetic effects instead of negating each other.
