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Proglyme is a drinkable solution based on Amino Acids (Glycine, L-Proline, L-Lysine) which are effective in stimulating growth of new collagene.


Proglyme is an exclusive mixture of Amino Acids which provides fibroblasts with the necessary stimulus to synthesize new collagene. Actually, the activity of the connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) reduces over time because of aging or other agents (eating habits, diets, smoking, intense physical activity, long exposure to the sun) bringing about a growth of cutaneous blemishes.
More is high the Amino Acids quantity (Glycine, L-Proline, L-Lysine) available in the interested areas, more fibroblasts vitality and their number increase.
Proglyme exclusive formulation fights aging signs and restores the skin to its natural condition (tone, elasticity, brightness, volume).

After reading the above I wasn't surprised to see they'd promote it for hair/ hair loss...

Studied to protect, nourish hair and to reduce its loss.

Treatment effect (1 tiny bottle a day for 90 days) :

Hair thickening: a statistically significant hair thickening and a consequent decrease of the parting amplitude (Dunnet test p<0.05 T90 vs T0 with a variation percentage versus T0 equal to 13.88%).
Significant increase of shaft thicknes: a statistically significant increase of shaft thickness (Dunnet test p<0.05 T90 vs T0) with a diameter measurement increase of 9.18%. This increase was still evident after 1 month treatment (6.16%).
Important variation of hair resistance to traction: Still after 1 month Proglyme® treatment, hair resistance to traction resulted significantly increased (Dunnet test p<0.05 T30 vs T0 with an increase of 15.17%). This increase was yet more consistent at the end of the test (Dunnet test p<0.05 T90 vs T0 with a percentage of increase equal to 20.03%).

A# of topical and wound healing products as well: