Prohairclinic - 8 months and poor results


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Hi All,

As requested, i've started a thread regarding my operation with the ProHairClinic. I'm now at the 8.5 month stage and things are looking bad. It's pretty worrying. Not only for the money spent, but also the grafts lost and in general the whole hair transplant ordeal.

As I said in a previous post, I did contact the clinic, who have told me to come back at 12 months for a review. To be honest, I'm not 100% happy with this. Considering the time, money and grafts I've spent on the procedure, I was hoping for a little more concern on their part. They have said they will take responsibility if the procedure does not work out, so I guess I can't fault them on that. But I do feel they could have provided me with a more support. If anyone has had an unsuccessful hair transplant before, they will the distress it can cause.

If anyone wants more info, please ask, i'd be happy help.




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Looks like you've had about 40% yield there. Are all the hairs growing in the right direction?

Who was the Dr at Prohair who did the procedure?


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No, I find the hairs are growing at an unnatural angle, which makes the hairline look strange to say the least. Really the whole thing has been a disaster.

Dr. De Reys performed the extraction of the grafts. The placement of the grafts was performed by his assistants.


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His assistants must not have placed the grafts properly. Inexperienced assistants is a big put off.

FUE normally grows in quicker than strip I believe, so waiting 12 months probably won't change much. I'm really sorry to hear about your experience. At least you don't have a big strip scar at the back of your head.

You may get a late spurt of growth, but if the hairs are not directed properly on the head then it sounds like a bodge job.


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J - It was 2001 grafts.

P - I do have a strip scar! I had an op in the temple region in 2005. I had 1100 grafts. The clinic was Transmed in Turkey.

The only good thing is, I've had no more hairloss since I was 20 (I'm now 28). If I thought it was going to get worse, I would get scar repair and just shave it.


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My hair transplant hairs don't go the right direction. Really annoying. I don't think it is that hard to look at the neighboring hairs and figure out which angle to put the blade in at. But both doctors I went to messed it up.

I'm afraid of grafts not growing out. I had three procedures, and one of them did not grow out. No way will I thin my sides again. I'll only do body hair transplants, that way at least my head does not get worse.

Prohair in Turkey? I was thinking of going there. Disturbing. Low post count though, and hard to tell if that is an hair transplant. Oh well. Just a dose of skepticism.

2000 FUE should have made a much bigger difference than that. I'm surprised they would go in between hairs though. So your first transplant was 1100 grafts to the temples? And this one was your first 2000 to the front? In between hairs? I'm surprised you did not get massive shock loss going into diffuse areas. A little unbelievable.


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Athough I haven't posted on this website before, i have posted on others, so I have a teack record with them. Also, if you look at those websites, you will see prohairclinic reps responded to me and acknowledge that they have done the work in May 2008 and it was 2001 grafts. I am sure people do lie on forums for a whole host of various reasons, but I am not one of them. If you want any further verification, let me know and I can direct you to one of the other forums i post on and you can see for yourself.

Also, the first cinic I went to was not ProhairClinic, but Transmed in Turkey.




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Here are my immediate post-op pics.


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Hey IR

Before you began to shed did the area look well covered, is it possible that the grafts were not densely packed enough to match your existing hair? Where were the grafts taken from?


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Hi Guys,

Just wanted to give you an update on my progress. I have had some growth the last few months. I would say maybe 60% of the grafts have grown through. So i'm in a better position now, that I was 3 or 4 months ago. I had a meeting with ProHair on Monday and discussed my case. They were honest in their assessment. It wasn't a disaster, but it wasn't what they would have liked either. Bart took a few pictures and maybe someone from the clinic can post them here if asked?

I was offered a free procedure or a 50% refund. I opted for the refund because having another hair transplant right now does not suit.

In the end, I was satisfied with how they handled my case. I was very angry a couple of months ago, but they did get in contact with me, told me I was not going to be left alone and whatever happens they will make sure I am left as happy as possible. Bart did seem to genuinely care and was honest with his assessment, which I appreciated.

Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to everyone here for the support they offered. It really was a great help. If you have any questions, let me know.




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I'm glad to hear you got some late growth and got taken care of by prohair, as i've seen some very good results from them in the past, though sadly poor growth can happen with even the best dr's and clinics.

We don't allow reps or doctors on the site to post photos, but if they post them on another site you can link it here if you like.

I'm sure with a bit more growth your hair looks better, and applying nanaogen or derm match could go a long way to making it look like you have a full and thick head of hair.

All the best Irishrover and thanks for sharing your story with the community :)


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Do you have any update pictures, since u have had some improvements ?


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Just goes to show the importance of going to a well respected surgeon.
Take note guys!


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dude, this guy has not been here since last year... and is not comming back i think....
shouldnt you have started a new topic for this question ???