Promotion of hair growth by Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract


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Topical administration of Rosmarinus officinalis leaf extract (RO-ext, 2 mg/day/mouse) improved hair regrowth in C57BL/6NCrSlc mice that experienced hair regrowth interruption induced by testosterone treatment. In addition, RO-ext promoted hair growth in C3H/He mice that had their dorsal areas shaved. To investigate the antiandrogenic activity mechanism of RO-ext, we focused on inhibition of testosterone 5α-reductase, which is well recognized as one of the most effective strategies for the treatment of androgenic alopecia. RO-ext showed inhibitory activity of 82.4% and 94.6% at 200 and 500 µg/mL, respectively. As an active constituent of 5α-reductase inhibition, 12-methoxycarnosic acid was identified with activity-guided fractionation. In addition, the extract of R. officinalis and 12-methoxycarnosic acid inhibited androgen-dependent proliferation of LNCaP cells as 64.5% and 66.7% at 5 µg/mL and 5 μM, respectively. These results suggest that they inhibit the binding of dihydrotestosterone to androgen receptors. Consequently, RO-ext is a promising crude drug for hair growth.


Senior Member
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I have some of this stuff I got when I went to this rip-off artist holistic guy...this stuff is kinda tasty but has a hint of alcohol-like zing to it...


Senior Member
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I have some EMU Oil and some leftover RO...tell ya what, I'll rub both of this stuff on a small patch of hair on my wrist once/day for a month...let's see what happens...


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Well, it may not do anything because androgen sensitivity only appears to be a factor in hypoxic (low oxygen) evironments. In other areas, androgens are good for hair...


Senior Member
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This was brought up over a year ago. I'm sure someone tried it...

Of course I've seen it in topicals too.


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Problem is, I doubt anyone has been consistent enough with it to get results.....Chances are it would take at least a year of regular use to show a noticeable difference...Which would be in line with other DHT blockers a lot of the time


Senior Member
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well, I know that CET is effective...I might just mix in some of this stuff in with that..can't hurt .


Senior Member
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I don't know why you're even interested, Slow. You've already found the cure.

As for long-term use of the stuff..I guess one would have to search the various products out there and their users.


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There are many "cures". Perhaps utilizing several at a time will increase the rate at which your hair grows back


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what I've learned over the past few years is to be extremely skeptical of any product that doesn't have an equivocal human study. I can think of the countless herbs that have shown to be effective in mice but not in humans

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for hairloss
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what I've learned over the past few years is to be extremely skeptical of any product that doesn't have an equivocal human study. I can think of the countless herbs that have shown to be effective in mice but not in humans

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for hairloss

You are right. There are a lot of things that have been proven to work in mice or in-vitro but end up as being completely useless in practice. We need a human studies. But then again, who is going to produce those studies?, and when is he going to produce them?. Nobody gives a damn about this kind of things, as you can't get money out of them. When it comes to "barely potential treatments" like this, it is completely up to us to find if they work or not. Still, of course I don't think this will work, but who knows?...


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As much as I would like for there to be a natural cure for hairloss, I don't see it as a possibility. Herbs just aren't powerful enough to make a big enough difference for your hairloss

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but you're right on the funding issue, you can't really patent an herb and we know that the hairloss industry is all about the $$$


Senior Member
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...what is interesting is that one of the supposed medicinal properties from holistic folklore is to stimulate the scalp and help prevent premature appears that science has taken a step in showing some proof of this -- albeit very rudimentary steps...and supposedly it absorbs into the skin well on its own...

...what the hell, I spiked my CET/Tricomin mixture with some of my leftover tincture...the stuff smells really nice so it's not so bad...

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instead of looking at this kind of thing as a cure, maybe its better to look at it as a supplement to things like CET, finasteride, minoxidil, etc...might be helpful in pushing the pace a bit...hoping that using this with CET might open things up more..