propecia 0,25 mg / day


New Member
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I am thinking to use propecia 0,25mg/day . I use 1.67 mg/day and have side ( boobs were getting bigger i believe and i quit ) .. what do you suggest me ? 0,25mg/day is good enough ? . And can give me my hairline back ? (i am norwood 2 , can i bee norwood 1 ?) ... will 0.25 mg can cause side ?

stop dht

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Keep taking for couple weeks than keep taking eod I mean 2 günde bir for 3 ay than keep taking every third day I think tht will work and lower the sides u will likely have .But 0.2 daily almost same yan etkis like 5 mg I think cause not much differs about dht block rates u know . Yalnız yarım mg den başlaman iyi olur biraz depolanır than u can lower dose and frequency