Propecia: 3 months on & There is hope ............


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Hi All
I suppose I was a norwood 3, but the front tuft didn't meet with the part behind the mid scalp. The hair was very thin and balding inbetween the two, but now I have noticed hundreds of new healthy hairs, and the area between the two has actually JOINED UP, the new hairs have joined the two areas. Now I can basically put my fingers over each receeding area and it seems like I have a full head of hair!

As well as that, 'rogue' hairs have started growing in each bald receeding area, giving me hope that even that area will grow hair back. I am basically one week away from 3 months and am very pleased. Obviously I haven't lost any further hair either.

Has anyone else had this success?


Established Member
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Did you take any before or after pic's? That you could post. Sounds like you a pretty dam good responder.


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if you would have asked me two weeks ago during a little shed, i would have said no, but man, i think i have had some decent regrowth in only 3.5 months. if you get a shed, don't fret man, it could mean better hair is on the way, at least it appears to be that way for me.


New Member
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I dont have any before and after photo's..

have you both seen this?

what an amazing response. I'm 26 and what I'm hoping is that I have more hope, than say an older guy, because the hairs have not been dead too long. Well that's a theory, and it does seem like the last ones to fall out have been the first ones to grow back which is cool. I'm using Finpecia, a generic version of propecia from India as it's a third of the price. They have good feedback at qualitygenerics. com and I'm pleased I went to them.

Trent, I mailed ya today, it's me pest ;-)