After being of Propecia for 2 months I'm still feeling depressed, and a low sex drive. I can still have sex, and everything like that but nothing like before. As I was taking Propecia for 6-7 months, then the sides starting kicking in...
I was an emotional wreck(crying) when I saw my pharmastict and he suggested I get on an anti depressant to fix the depression problem for a short term. I will do this. My sex drive is relatively low, and the pharmasist suggests it will go back to normal after some time... I'm still waiting for this...
I think this drug is marketed way too positive, and people out there are getting burnt... It's destroying lives.. I hope that 6 months on the drug, everything will be reversible.. I'm one of those go getters, active, lively people, done a degree and been to asia to teach english, and now im back in Australia feeling like this... It's one of the biggest hardships in my life.. I hope I can pull through..
Anyone else been able to recover from Propecia?? Love to hear from you.
I was an emotional wreck(crying) when I saw my pharmastict and he suggested I get on an anti depressant to fix the depression problem for a short term. I will do this. My sex drive is relatively low, and the pharmasist suggests it will go back to normal after some time... I'm still waiting for this...
I think this drug is marketed way too positive, and people out there are getting burnt... It's destroying lives.. I hope that 6 months on the drug, everything will be reversible.. I'm one of those go getters, active, lively people, done a degree and been to asia to teach english, and now im back in Australia feeling like this... It's one of the biggest hardships in my life.. I hope I can pull through..
Anyone else been able to recover from Propecia?? Love to hear from you.