Propecia:a temporal area SCAM?


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their site says this:There is not sufficient evidence that PROPECIA works in the treatment of receding hairline in the temporal area on both sides of the head.

Does this mean that it will not STOP the receding hairline in the temporal area or it means that it will not GROW BACK anymore hair in the temporal area?


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i recomend you talk to medical experts for proper advice. finasteride weather it be proscar or propecia stops hairloss in 80 percnet of men, and 60 percent get some regrowth. The idea is that you use finasteride to stop your hairloss and minoxidil for regrowth.

Anyway weather you will get re-growth in the temporal area by using finasteride, depends on the induvidual and how they respond to the drug. fighting hairloss is a long and hard road, if you want yourhair br prepared to lose alot of money and try a lot of things.


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the key words there are "sufficient evidence"....this means that no one or not enough people have done testing on that area of the scalp in a controlled it works or not is sill a mystery to most people unless they had success with propecia and kno different....there are many people who say that it does help with frontal areas and weather u want to believe them or not is up to u....also how can it possibly be a "scam"? merck never claimed it helps with frontal baldness

not me!

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This is true. Merck only tested regrowth in the crown area. So the word "scam" is hardly appropriate. However, I feel that Finasteride has improved my hairline also, but I cannot say for sure for a multitude of reasons (other medications I have taken, A recent hair tranplant, etc). However I KNOW that Finasteride has worked well for me on my crown.


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Temporal areas

When I was on Finasteride I did find good results with it since moving to Dutasteride I didn't find it as effective. Astonishing as Dutasteride is supposed to block more DHT type 1 and type 2 with higher percentages.