Propecia and acne


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I've been suffering from hairloss since I was 20 (am 24 now) - haven't done anything about it until now - over the past 2 years I've been diffuse thinning all over (incl sides) - have receded quite a bit and have a bald patch on the crown but it's the diffuse thinning that really bothers me.

Having done some research I'm thinking about going on 1.25mg proscar daily and 2% nizoral 2x a week however there is one IF i have stopping me and it's a very big IF for me.

I suffered from extremely bad acne between the ages of 17 and 19 and only got it cleared up after 3 uses of accutane (5-7 months ea) - now I still get spots on my face and back but largely under control using benzol peroxide 10% cream.

My question is how likely will this baldness regime affect my acne? TBH I'd prefer to go bald than have a return of bad acne and not sure how big the risk is? Any comments would be extremely appreciated as the baldness/diffuse thinning is really affecting me however not as bad as the acne did all those years ago (and even now if I get one/two bad spots I'm very conscience of them).

Also I use the BP10% once at night - could this cause my diffuse thinning (as I heard it's unusual to have it all over even on the sides) - also I have a HUGE appetite yet am very skinny (6ft tall ad 10stone) - could something else be causing my hairloss?

Thank you very much in advance


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I too was on Accutane about 7 years ago for 6 months. I am almost certain that it played a role in my hair loss as no male member of my family is any where near balding. I would be very interested in a study that looks into the effects that Accutane has on hair loss.

Bone Daddy

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It will get slightly worse, then get a little better, and then even out as your hormone's start to balance. You don't have humungous breakouts as far as I've seen. Just take the pill, and make sure you wash your face free of the extra oil, and allow some time for your body to adjust. You will be fine.


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I have had huge problems with acne and been on Accutane twice. My skin got a bit worse for the first couple of months after starting finasteride and after then my skin has never been better!

As far as I've heard on this forum finasteride can either cause oilyness or dryness - I've got the dryness and it's working out great for my skin (not too sure about my hair yet though!)


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Hey guys

Thanks for the responses so far however I've seen conflicting posts in another forum saying that propecia doesnt affect your acne at all...

Any more comments would be greatly appreciated as I really cannot hack my acne getting worse (nearly committed suicide over it a few yrs back)

Thank again